Cat of Khronos 的影片截圖
Cat of Khronos 遊戲截圖
Cat of Khronos 遊戲截圖
Cat of Khronos 遊戲截圖
Cat of Khronos 遊戲截圖
Cat of Khronos 遊戲截圖
Cat of Khronos 遊戲截圖
Cat of Khronos 遊戲截圖
Cat of Khronos 遊戲截圖
Cat of Khronos 遊戲截圖
Cat of Khronos

Cat of Khronos

Mingcang Studio
更多I'm approaching you against the flow of time, Yet you think I'm moving away. I venture into the future, intruding into your line of sight, But you won't know what I did in the past. I bring together the moments we passed by each other, And you believe I'm standing right in front of you. For me, it's merely a step-by-step, down-to-earth journey, But in your eyes, it's an elusive twinkle of stars. You're a fish flowing with the river of time, While I'm a bird freely soaring above the river. I think in terms of timelines.


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  • 🧠️ 遊戲的謎題設計精巧,挑戰性十足,並融入了有趣的時間操作機制。
  • 🎨️ 遊戲的2D像素風格和獨特的關卡設計,加上輕鬆的古典音樂,為玩家提供了愉快的遊戲體驗。
  • 📚️ 遊戲的指導和對話存在問題,不夠清晰易懂,使玩家在理解遊戲玩法上遇到困難。

