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Monster Hunter Now 的影片截圖
Monster Hunter Now 遊戲截圖
Monster Hunter Now 遊戲截圖
Monster Hunter Now 遊戲截圖
Monster Hunter Now 遊戲截圖
Monster Hunter Now 遊戲截圖
Monster Hunter Now 遊戲截圖
Monster Hunter Now 遊戲截圖
Monster Hunter Now 遊戲截圖
Monster Hunter Now 遊戲截圖
Monster Hunter Now 遊戲截圖
Monster Hunter Now 遊戲截圖
Monster Hunter Now 遊戲截圖
Monster Hunter Now 遊戲截圖
Monster Hunter Now 遊戲截圖
Monster Hunter Now 遊戲截圖
Monster Hunter Now 遊戲截圖
Monster Hunter Now 遊戲截圖
Monster Hunter Now

Monster Hunter Now

更多加入《Monster Hunter Now》並暢享在現實世界中狩獵的快感! 狩獵的快感在呼喚你! 現在就出發並展開全球任務,追蹤並狩獵突然出現在現實世界的《Monster Hunter》魔物們。 生產強大武器並聯合其他獵人,追蹤巨大魔物並與之對抗! 移動來遊玩:在《Monster Hunter Now》中,你必須走出戶外並身體力行,狩獵出現於真實世界的各種魔物。 在森林、沙漠或沼澤等不同環境發現各式各樣的魔物,並獨自或與其他獵人組隊討伐這些巨大魔物。 無需拿出手機也能輕鬆標記魔物:開啟冒險同步模式,在探索城市的同時,使用染色球追蹤魔物並將戰場帶到你家門前。 在探索的途中,你的隨從會使用隨從染色球標記路過的魔物,即使在你沒有遊玩的時候也是,方便你稍後回來尋找牠們的蹤影,讓冒險永不間斷。 武器與防具:多種武器任君挑選,如:單手劍、大錘和弓等,你需要蒐集素材,生產並強化你的武器和防具來擊敗特定的魔物。 擊倒魔物後,使用蒐集到的素材生產更強大的武器和防具,狩獵更危險的魔物。 蒐集鐵礦石和上龍骨等資源來生產強大的防具,抵禦強大魔物的攻擊。 《Monster Hunter Now》——改編自獲獎無數《Monster Hunter》系列的最新力作——能配合你的遊玩節奏,帶給你緊張又刺激的挑戰。無論你在地球哪個角落,都能在全球獵人社群中找到志同道合的玩家與你踏上冒險! 與「火龍」和「角龍」等危險魔物戰鬥,更多全新魔物將陸續追加至遊戲中! 無論你是《Monster Hunter》系列的死忠粉絲還是初來乍到的新玩家,現在就是你們加入冒險的絕佳機會。 加入狩獵的行列。 重新探索這個世界。 現在就成為終極的魔物獵人吧!


191 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • 🎮️ 遊戲機制結合了Pokemon Go和Monster Hunter,並且可以在直立和橫向模式下遊玩,這點非常棒。
  • 👾️ 怪物和裝甲的細節非常驚人,畫面幾乎和Monster Hunter World一樣精細。
  • 😓️ 遊戲會隨機掉幀,並且健康值低於29%時無法狩獵大型怪物。



Monster Hunter NOW: Fun while Touching Grass [5-Min. Review]

Monster Hunter NOW: Fun while Touching Grass [5-Min. Review]

R8 Gaming (HyRool)
Monster Hunter Now
Monster Hunter Now
unable to login via google says error add more login options
Monster Hunter Now
Monster Hunter Now
I don't remember when I pre register this game but last night I received notification and I downloaded the game, I wasn't expecting to much from Capcom mobile game because of what has been Capcom producing so far,      But I had no idea I will be this much shock and disappointed, the game is basically the Pokemon GO with crappy graphics and worse servers, and there is no mention in play store description or even in the game trailer that this game is a real life walking simulator, first of all I never play Pokemon GO and I never understood why people lose there shit on game that makes you walk around and then touch the screen, it was stupid game trend which came and disappear, and I have to say that Capcom has been copying only trends and trying so hard to squeeze out money out of the fan base they have, just like how they ripped of King of fighter mobile with there new street fighter mobile game this is another very cheep attempt, which is shamelessly bad,
Monster Hunter Now might be the worst game in the Monster Hunter franchise

Monster Hunter Now might be the worst game in the Monster Hunter franchise

Jay Hunter
Monster Hunter Now
Monster Hunter Now
The game mechanics is mixed between Pokemon Go and Monster Hunter. The game can be played both Portrait and Landscape which is great. The only downside is the FPS cap as I can't seem to increase the FPS limit and I'm getting random FPS. So far so Good. The only downside is when your healtg reach 29% below, you are unable to hunt large monster as the game needs you to have a health of 30% above. If you are a fan of Pokemom Go and Monster Hunter, this game is for you.

Monster Hunter Is Now On Mobile

Monster Hunter Now debuts globally with one of the biggest mobile game launches

Monster Hunter Now debuts globally with one of the biggest mobile game launches

TapTap News
Monster Hunter Now
Monster Hunter Now
Gameplay: 4/5 Although its a geo-location game, it doesn't  force you to go out around the neighborhood all the time since monsters spawn on your location in a few minute intervals. But the leveling up will be slow if you do this since you just have to "wait". 😅 What's annoying in this game? It's  the limited gameplay when you're inside a fast moving vehicle. In some geo-location games, I enjoy travelling by bus while playing the game BUT here in MHNow, I am forced to actually put the game down while I'm  inside a vehicle... And No, I am not the driver. I find it so disappointing that I can't  collect resources while riding, all those iron ores.... 😫 left untouched.... haayy..
Poco f4 Can't installed, why? Help me please?
角龍大量現蹤於沙漠地區!《Monster Hunter Now》迎來上線後首個任務「角龍入侵」

角龍大量現蹤於沙漠地區!《Monster Hunter Now》迎來上線後首個任務「角龍入侵」

Monster Hunter Now
Monster Hunter Now
Should be able to use "fake GPS" That would add to the excitement hahaha
FACHRI fandawa