首頁>遊戲>Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game
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Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game 遊戲截圖
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game

Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game

Level Infinite
更多歡迎加入Arena of Valor,親身體驗5v5多人線上戰鬥競技場(MOBA)手機遊戲! 操控獨一無二的強大英雄,與朋友組隊,一起建立 MOBA 界前所未見、所向無敵的隊伍! 召集隊友前往競技場與敵人激戰吧!在經典的5v5即時對戰戰場上殺出一條血路!奪下首殺,帶領隊伍成為競技場上的傳奇吧! 遊戲特色: - 經典5v5對戰MOBA遊戲,打造刺激手遊體驗 - 穿越經典的三路競技場,炮塔間滿佈各種隱匿處和間隙。小心警戒潛伏在草叢後的敵人,並揭開野區隱藏的秘密。專屬設計的直覺式操作,可輕鬆累積擊殺人數,迅速搶下MVP! - 傳奇英雄前來報到 - 操控超過100名傳奇英雄,擁有豐富多樣的技能,湊齊坦克、刺客、法師、輔助、戰士和射手,建立你的隊伍,在戰場上擊潰敵手。 - 手遊MOBA的暢快體驗 - 首殺、雙殺、三殺……齊備玩家熟悉喜愛的所有功能。多種遊戲模式等你稱霸,包括5v5、3v3和1v1。還有獨特的「 飛鉤模式」,考驗玩家的技巧,挑戰成為真正的贏家! - 即刻組隊,迅速對戰 - 立即與世界各地的玩家組隊,在野區、三路和炮塔間殺出血路,拿下第一個敵人,摧毀敵方基地。在10分鐘內帶領隊伍奪得榮耀! - 與朋友一起進入激烈的組隊戰鬥 - 與世界各地的玩家組成同盟,享受快節奏的戰鬥。使用即時語音聊天功能與朋友和公會夥伴互動,製定策略戰術。還能與朋友一起組隊進入「競技模式」,快速建立屬於自己的聯盟。Arena of Valor是專為行動裝置設計的全新電競遊戲。 - 免費下載,公平競技 - 在Arena of Valor,技能決定高低。我們致力打造出魅力無窮且公平的遊戲方式,無論機率大小,都有反敗為勝的可能。是輸是贏,就看每次出招! 聯絡我們: Facebook:🔗link Youtube:🔗link Twitter:🔗link Instagram:🔗link


1.9K 個評分
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  • 🎨️ 遊戲畫面精美,角色設計細緻,音效讓人身歷其境。
  • 🤝️ 豐富的英雄陣容,每個英雄都有獨特的能力和角色,適合不同的遊戲風格。
  • 👎️ 有時候遊戲會有延遲問題,影響遊戲體驗。



Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game
One of the best of All #mobagames
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game
It's a copy of mobile legends and the most of the characters are girls but the problem is that I saw some girls in the game that have a cut clothes and a girl have six arms so this means that the game is bad in the characters but the gameplay is good sometime
mattio Michel
I used to play it but one day it asked for update and was unable to update now i am unable to play it why ??? Is it not available?????????
The Rangoli
I want this game because this is very very good game i love
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Top 10 Best Moba Games For Android - To play in 2023

I want to play this game
Beast bull
I want this game
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game
I don't have Pic to prove , but this game is half good half bad as shit like the creators mom. I have been playing this game for 1 year. It may not be very long for those who have played it 4 or 5 years. I find this game trash , like a piece of shit , because of the system they created. When updates come , not just me only , my friends also have this problem. Half of the game is in coded letters or unreadable words . The other thing what makes this game so fucking piece of shit is the players we get to play with. Some of them just be AFK the whole game. Most is that they will pick the heros they can't even plag good in the match.
Dooker Melon
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game
Arena of Valor: 5v5 Arena Game
why I can't install this game said it'"Coming soon" but  more people play this Global AoV, whyy?
Lonjawon Gaming
I want to play