Standoff 2 的影片截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
Standoff 2 遊戲截圖
更多《Standoff 2》是向前作傳承致敬的動態第一人稱射擊遊戲。加入來自世界各地的 2 億玩家,拿起最愛的槍支,快加入對峙吧! 最精美的圖形與動畫 在你的智慧型手機上加入即時團隊對峙,體驗最精美的第一人稱射擊手遊。120fps 支援確保流暢的遊戲體驗。 令人驚嘆、細緻入微的地圖 《Standoff 2》帶你環遊世界,從風景如畫的鄉鎮到隱藏在山中的最高機密實驗室。 完全以技巧為主的遊戲玩法 《Standoff 2》靠的是你的技巧和高超的本領。直觀且經過精細校準的遊戲控制,帶來更方便的遊戲體驗。 超過 20 種武器款式 所有武器款式從開始遊戲即可使用。選擇最喜歡的款式並開始戰鬥! 競爭模式與排名 和朋友組隊一起玩,參加排名比賽!需要出色的團隊合作與精進技術才能獲勝。校準後獲得第一次排名,接著努力贏得戰鬥來提高排名。 軍團戰 組建自己的軍團並招募好友,在野蠻的軍團戰之中共同贏得名譽與榮耀。 武器造型與貼圖 為最愛的槍械挑選造型,加上你選擇的貼圖和護身符創作大膽的設計。 千萬別錯過!立即下載《Standoff 2》並加入社群! 在社群媒體上追蹤我們! Facebook: 🔗link Twitter: 🔗link Discord: 🔗link TikTok: 🔗link@standoff2_en 技術支援: 🔗link


1.6K 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • 🎮️ 遊戲玩法非常有趣且具有戰術性,適合低端設備。
  • 🎨️ 圖形效果對於1.5GB的手機遊戲來說是非常出色的。
  • ⚠️️ 部分社群成員具有攻擊性,缺乏內容審查。



Top 10 FPS games September 2022

Top 10 FPS games September 2022

MGC(My Gaming Console)/
Standoff 2
Standoff 2
After the big update, the game should have attracted more players, right? But not for standoff 2. Standoff 2 groups in my country are from being very active, but after the new update, everything has become boring now. The admins have turned on auto-browser content but the number of posts is quite limited now, and so is my gaming experience. It's quite common for me to meet people over 200 pings on the AS server, their names are russian, their avatars are russian flags and they're terrible players.

Why standoff 2 dying?

46-LD Vượng
Ruined / Standoff 2 [JIXOnly - JIXOedit]

Ruined / Standoff 2 [JIXOnly - JIXOedit]

Standoff 2
Standoff 2
When it comes to SF series, it's only a wonder how far the game has come since its first installment which was merely a simple 2d game back then in the days of Facebook games. However, what I first played was SF2, and that made me fall in love with its ambience, pleasing music, shadow styled graphics, amazing gameplay and engaging storyline. I didn't uninstall it until I got to the end of it, that's how addictive it became.


Ryu Tenzo


Standoff 2
Standoff 2
Try this game if you haven't because your really gona like it after some time.My personal expirience in this game is 8,9/10


Standoff 2
Standoff 2
It is good but the ping either makes the enemy player easy to kill or easily get killed because the one lagging's avatar placement while lagging is unpredictable and easily mistaken for cheats when the oke not lagging is behind a wall, the one lagging can easily kill you because your avatar to them is frozen, it's not fair in the slightest. Speaking of not fair, there are still quite a few that cheat in the game and when playing competitive you loose points even if there's someone cheating, these should be a REPORT CHEAT Function or a better cheat detection system even though it invalidates it in the match history, it doesn't give the points back. Back to the ping, I belive some people intentionally pick the worst ping servers o they can exploit the ping and ruining the fun, the ping is unpredictable, sometimes you can't move, sometimes everything just freezes and again giving high ping players a huge advantage when their screen is moving but their character isn't and the non lagging players die mysteriously.
Standoff 2
Standoff 2
This game might have been fun if it weren't for the problems it has. Most of the problems are problems that sound like a every multiplayer game problem but for Standoff 2 its problems are special. The problems are as follows: 1. Lag. The lag in this game is abundant in all type of forms from you taking damage even tho you ran behind a concrete wall, enemies just appearing instantly behind a corner to some of your critical opponent killing shot not registering while theirs do


Standoff 2
Standoff 2
I've been playing this game for years since its first released, and one of the reasons i love this game is because the graphics is just very impressive even tho if ur playing on a 2gb ram device, i've played this game at leasts a few years with a 2gb ram device so yea and another thing i like about this game is it is very similar to cs:go(but the only thing thats different is the aim, the aim of this game isn't like csgo so u wont need to aim for feet to get a headshot)
Standoff 2
Standoff 2
bas soon as these guys get into the very stupid game, they kick the team out of the votethese guys get into a very stupid game and they kick the team out of the votAs soon as these guys get into a very stupid game, they throwthese guys get into a very stupid game and they kickthese guys are so stupid they get into the game and they throw the team out of votes, which is a bad thing, we can't play a game too muchthese guys are throwing away the team as soon as they get into a very stupid game, which is a bad thing, we can't play games so ridiculous. the team out of votes, which is a bad thing. the team out of votes, which is a bad thing.e. .