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鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG 遊戲截圖
更多◆近無限的外貌組合 隨心所欲的超微創角系統◆ 等你來捏!在手機上享受媲美PC遊戲的最強超微創角系統! 髮型、身高、瞳色、五官位置等細節都能夠任意調整! 創造出獨一無二的角色與“YOME”吧! ◆專屬“YOME”伴你展開無盡冒險◆ 遊戲中玩家擁有專屬“YOME”,隨時為玩家犧牲奉獻! 無論是目的地的導引、戰鬥輔助或是道具合成,“YOME”總是會在旅程中伸出援手。 玩家能夠自由的塑造“YOME”和主人公的外型,創造出最與眾不同的冒險伴侶! ◆單機與多人模式 依據心情隨時切換◆ 遊戲中搭載同單機遊戲功能的單人模式。 想與好友和其他冒險者共遊時,立即切換多人模式。 想獨自享受寧靜的世界時,就啟動單人模式吧! ◆透過「點贊」和「表情圖章」簡單溝通◆ 如果在遊戲中看到讓很吸引你眼球的人就可以用「點贊」來表達你對他的欣賞哦! 還可以透過「表情圖章」輕鬆簡單地進行溝通! 若想交上100個朋友也不難喲! ◆驚心動魄魔法技能 簡單刺激的指令式戰鬥◆ 「一鍵式」的指令讓戰鬥更輕鬆! 與“YOME”一同施展合體技打倒敵人吧! 最多8人的戰鬥亂入,遭遇強敵時立刻號召朋友共同奮戰! ◆日式王道冒險故事與細緻如羽的人物◆ 遼闊的地圖與深刻的世界觀,具生命力的人物與繽紛的幻想世界! 盡情享受大和職人精神所打造的正統RPG故事吧! ◆坐上坐騎,讓冒險變得更自由!◆ 騎在魔物身上,暢遊MMORPG的世界。與它們一起冒險一起成長吧! 坐騎除了魔物造型外,也有可能是坐在地毯,馬卡龍上…!? ★適合這樣的玩家★ ・喜歡MMORPG ・經常會玩MMORPG ・喜歡創造屬於自己的原創角色 ・喜歡時裝豐富,可以隨意穿搭的遊戲 ◆故事◆ 這是一個充滿魔法與鍊金術的世界。 產業革命的前夕,為了逃離魔物的威脅,人們紛紛躲避並聚集在各個城鎮之中。 成年的孩子們,都必須踏上旅途成為年輕的「冒險者」。 主人公為了討伐世界各地的魔王們,也為了找尋屬於自己的歸宿,而展開了旅程。 ★遊戲★ 遊戲名稱:鍊金術物語 (AlchemiaStory) 類型:享受隨心所欲創角樂趣的MMORPG ◆官方網站:🔗link ◆官方推特:🔗link(僅限日語) 關於遊戲的意見,關於異常現象的回報可透過遊戲內或以下官方網站聯繫我們 ( 🔗link)


67 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • 🎨️ 遊戲擁有豐富的角色自訂選項和伴侶系統,提供獨特的角色體驗。
  • 🌍️ 精緻的幻想世界設計和美麗的風景,讓玩家有探索的慾望。
  • 📚️ 遊戲的本地化翻譯品質不佳,導致學習遊戲機制時出現障礙。



鍊金術物語 - MMORPG
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG

wanted games

鍊金術物語 - MMORPG
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG
It could've been a 4 or 5 star, but...Its a great game, but didnt like the battle system. The partner system is a gem, nice concept. The character customization is class. But it keeps on downloading and downloading and downloading, and doesnt let you download the resources alltogether in the menu using mobile data. It says to connect wifi network. Mobile data can be used to spontaneously download while playing. But to download all that at our free time, it doesnt allow me to use mobile data. I mean, why cant i use mobile data to download little by little other than downloading each cut scene and map using mobile data, why?
Adi Achus
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG
Youtube channel:

new upcoming game of asobimo

Broccoli Gaming Channel
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG
Join us as we dive into the exciting world of online gaming on today's episode! From Lost Ark's latest update to the upcoming Alchemia Story, we've got all the latest news and updates for you. Get ready to experience new story quests, events, weapons, and more in Lost Ark and PSO2 New Genesis. We'll also take a sneak peek at Throne and Liberty, Amazon's Blue Protocol, Ares Rise of Guardians, and more. Don't miss out on the end of an era as Aeria Games closes down and Alchemia Story finally announces a release date. Get your snacks ready and hit the play button now!

MMO News February 9, 2023 - A Look at the Latest Updates and Upcoming Releases, MMORPG

Gaming Hardcore
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG
Just a cool game
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG
Toram was my first MMORPG and boy am I glad it was. I didn't have a pc when I was young, so all I played on was my phone so it was hard to find really good MMOs but there were still a few that got me hooked to them. First and foremost, I loved and still love Toram online. It is very f2p friendly and there really aren't any reasons to buy from the online store unless you wanted to support them or really just wanted to whale your way(or free but gacha costumes). The customisation is very well-done, I could spend hours and hours just trying to decide on what I want. To top it all off, it has the unique skill tree system which offers a high amount of freedom. You want to be a swordsman that can cast magic? Just get the magic skill tree and the swords skill tree.


Some tiltes from Asobimo such as: Toram Online, AlchemiaStory... but it just a long time ago, now I just login and doing daily thing in a short time Quite boring at present ☹️ Other tilte: World of Prandis (play a short time and out), Albion Online (good game but need to much grinding),... and a bunch of others MMORPGs but I just tried for fun


huy le
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG
鍊金術物語 - MMORPG
Fav MMORPG until now. Lots of stories are really heartwarming, have lots of humanity sense which umm...I don't find much on other RPGs (and we have YOME! I never feel lonely ehe). F2P friendly and I personally rarely found discrimination of powers (at least not as much as another games) :)))

Lovely game

This is my most fav MMORPG among the others. DR have everything what I need, like cooking, housing, have baby, team-up, relationship tree, lot of class, etc. 🔸🔸🔸 Most fav for Rhythm game, be honest it's vocaloids that makes me like it. Lol. But I must admit it that the game have almost 100 songs! Ori voca songs, ori proseka songs, cover songs. Likes so much!!! 🔸🔸🔸 Another rhythm game that have a lot of mode, as long as I remember Malody have 9 modes, pc and mobile ver. I could say this is the best duplicate of Osu!ppy. So, that's what I like haha.

Listing My Favorite Games (Always Update)

Veyrith Jia