Honkai Impact 3 的影片截圖
Honkai Impact 3 遊戲截圖
Honkai Impact 3 遊戲截圖
Honkai Impact 3 遊戲截圖
Honkai Impact 3 遊戲截圖
Honkai Impact 3 遊戲截圖
Honkai Impact 3 遊戲截圖
Honkai Impact 3 遊戲截圖
Honkai Impact 3 遊戲截圖
Honkai Impact 3 遊戲截圖
Honkai Impact 3 遊戲截圖
Honkai Impact 3 遊戲截圖
Honkai Impact 3 遊戲截圖
Honkai Impact 3 遊戲截圖
Honkai Impact 3 遊戲截圖
Honkai Impact 3 遊戲截圖
Honkai Impact 3 遊戲截圖
Honkai Impact 3 遊戲截圖
Honkai Impact 3 遊戲截圖
Honkai Impact 3 遊戲截圖
Honkai Impact 3 遊戲截圖
Honkai Impact 3 遊戲截圖
Honkai Impact 3 遊戲截圖
Honkai Impact 3 遊戲截圖
Honkai Impact 3 遊戲截圖
Honkai Impact 3 遊戲截圖
更多新版本-云墨丹心 【游戏介绍】 《崩坏3》点燃ACG动作之魂!次世代的动作游戏出击! 在不远的未来,神秘的灾害『崩坏』侵蚀了世界。 被崩坏感染的人类变成沒有思維、只懂得破坏的『**』;被感染的动物变成残暴、只懂得攻击的『崩坏兽』。 唯一能够对抗崩坏的只有天生拥有抗体的少女,她们身上会出现被称为『圣痕』的印记。 玩家将扮演休伯利安号的舰长,指挥带领一头白发欧洲血统的琪亚娜、洗手作羹汤贤惠的芽衣、沉默的佣兵少女布洛妮婭、身材傲人的姬子、自带萌萌狐耳的八重櫻、世界第一可愛的德丽莎、枪斗术嫡传的卡莲、认真起來不输給任何人的符华、盛放在幽夜的丽塔,携手对抗崩坏,一同为世界上所有的美好而战! 官方网站:🔗link 官方粉丝团:🔗link 版本3.7中的新功能 【上仙符华 | 云墨丹心】 “赤鸢”,久居太虚山的不老真仙,淡漠世情,不问俗务。 万年光阴逝去,而今她存在的唯一意义,是执行挚友托付的使命。 符华全新装甲「云墨丹心」登场——水墨点染阴阳,击发多变招式,洗净神州大地一切邪祟! 【新春活动 | 神州仙行记】 为了追寻年兽的踪迹,「仙人」与「苍玄之书」来到了一处名为桃源村的神州古镇开始调查。 神秘的客栈老板,寻找白龙的少女,摄人心神的鬼魅…出现在仙人一行面前的,究竟是敌还是友? 参与活动,即可获取夜隐重霞旗袍新装「桃源一梦」、希儿旗袍纪念圣痕等好礼! 【武装人偶 | 苍玄之书】 自上古流传至今的神兵利器,如今以全新的姿态重现世间。 武装人偶「苍玄之书」请求参战!少侠,接下来还请多多指教了哦~ 【装备更新】 仙人道成,遗一缕阴阳之力于太虚。拳套武器「袖缠云」加入军械库! 解放全新力量,超限武器——「魂妖刀 血樱寂灭」、「幽夜狂想曲」加入军械库!


696 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • 🎮️ 游戲玩法豐富多樣,提供獨特而深入的戰鬥系統。
  • 📖️ 故事情節引人入勝,角色設計精美,增強玩家的情感連結。
  • 📉️ 遊戲更新後故事品質有所下降,並重複使用先前的劇情線。



DARKNESS RISES Costume Draw, as expected ... 😮‍💨

DARKNESS RISES Costume Draw, as expected ... 😮‍💨

Honkai Impact 3
Honkai Impact 3
ive been playing this game since 2019, For that amount of time you've guessed ive already gotten bored but man this game is great, From every event, Every storyline and every mode, Every character is well written with everyone being very memorable, The character design  can shift between eh to amazing, The story is possibly one of the best out there, This game does a marvel type of schtick where each detail and scene will be important in the climax, overall this game is handsdown amazing, I urge people to try it


Honkai Impact 3
Honkai Impact 3
Watch this Video for more details:

Honkai Impact 3rd is just awesome

Honkai Impact 3
Honkai Impact 3
  Honkai Impact 3rd has players control a team of up to three characters, known as "",Valkyrie"" in real-time combat against various enemies. During battle, players may freely move their character around the battlefield and switch between their three deployed Valkyries in real-time. Each Valkyrie has unique attack, evasion, switch, and ultimate skills, as well as a type. The three types Mech, Biologic, and Psychic are based on a rock-paper-scissor-based system where types are advantaged and disadvantaged depending on both the enemy type and their own type. Additionally, the two types Quantum and Imaginary exist and are disadvantaged over each other, neutral towards the above three types, and advantaged over themselves. Valkyrie stats and skills can be changed with various weapons and equipment, which can be improved by using in-game resources. New equipment (known as "Stigmata"), weapons, and Valkyries can obtained either through in-game crafting or through a gacha system, It can even open world through several modes.


M i r a
Honkai Impact 3
Honkai Impact 3
My very first game of mihoyo that I ever played and one of the mother who gave birth to other games that they released, the pinnacle of mobile-animated ARPG gacha games and let me tell you this, it has also the most beautiful and a very much appealing characters and stories so much that I played this game for almost 5 yrs. I highly recommend it to those who play gacha games who like visual appealing characters and storylines.


aj her
Honkai Impact 3
Honkai Impact 3
What is Honkai Impact 3rd? Honkai Impact 3rd is an action RPG, gacha game developed and published by miHoYo. This game is amazing, to me, I can't really express this game with words, I don't think the current vocabulary that exist in this world is enough to describe the feelings. Not that it ever will. And even if it will, I don't think a 10 page of essays, a hundred, or a thousand, you name it, will be enough.


Honkai Impact 3
Honkai Impact 3
So by now, you would've probably seen my posts on games over games over games and you're probably wandering weather i have Infinite storage on my phone. Well, no. Actually, my phone comes with 258 gb, as usual, they only allow me to use up to 256 gb as the other 2gb are rrequired for the phone to run. It's very simple, all you have to do is save space for games How i have so much storage Device: Samsung S20FE 258 GB

How and why i can download and play so much games

Art fiasco Kiala
HoYoverse Released The Full Dreamy Euphony Online Concert on YouTube

HoYoverse Released The Full Dreamy Euphony Online Concert on YouTube

Honkai Impact 3
Honkai Impact 3
last update made me unable to connecting to log in. When  it was on elevator and said connecting to network,  my phone freezed and my phone was locked screen by itself, then when i unlocked it, my  phone crashed so that i need to forced reboot 
Story games

Story games

Art fiasco Kiala