首頁>遊戲>ONE PIECE Bounty Rush
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 的影片截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush 遊戲截圖
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush

ONE PIECE Bounty Rush

BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.
更多《航海王 Bounty Rush》 是海賊就來你爭我奪吧── ●手中的每1枚貝里,都是決定勝負的關鍵 《航海王》首款隊伍對戰動作遊戲隆重登場!最多能夠進行4名玩家對4名玩家的隊伍對戰。 重點並不是單打獨鬥,要依靠隊伍整體的戰略才能帶來勝利。 玩家之間搶奪貝里的激烈戰鬥,完全同步進行! ●壯觀的《航海王》世界,化為3D戰場 《航海王》的世界直接化為玩家開戰的場地。 關卡中會出現為自己或隊伍帶來優勢的道具,以及阻擋去路的機關。 善用場上的所有物品,為我方帶來勝利吧! ●操縱充滿特色的《航海王》角色,在隊伍對戰中取勝 玩家要操縱《航海王》的人氣角色,與敵方隊伍展開戰鬥。 每個角色的特性都有所不同,例如有些擅長擔任前衛,有些則適合負責後衛。 確實找出最適合自己的戰鬥崗位,朝戰場前進吧! 客服: 🔗link Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc. Website: 🔗link 您下載或安裝本應用程式,即表示同意Bandai Namco Entertainment的《服務條款》。 《服務條款》: 🔗link 《私隱政策》: 🔗link 註:本遊戲包含一些可通過應用程式購買的項目,來增加遊戲樂趣,加快遊戲進度。您可更改裝置的設定,關閉應用程式的購買功能。如欲了解更多資料,請瀏覽以下網頁:🔗link。注意使用時間,避免沉迷於遊戲。 本遊戲包含機會中獎商品,消費者購買或參與活動不代表即可獲得特定商品。 本遊戲並非以14歲以下人士為對象。14歲或以上之未成年人應於法定代理人閱讀、瞭解並同意遊戲服務契約之所有內容後,方得使用本遊戲服務,契約條款變更時亦同。 ©Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, Toei Animation ©Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc. 本應用程式已獲得權利持有人的正式許可。


2.2K 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • 🎮️ 遊戲玩法和圖形令人驚艷,是手機上最好的海賊王遊戲之一。
  • 🌟️ 真實時間的4對4戰鬥,讓玩家體驗到豐富的戰略和合作樂趣。
  • 💸️ 老角色的力量逐漸減弱,並且有一些付費贏的元素。



ONE PIECE Bounty Rush
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush
Excellent experience I ever have
Roshan Reddy
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush
Why i cant play😭
I tought this game was full boredom but i play that game that totally awsome and never let me down. You should try it too

'ONE PIECE Bounty Rush' review

ONE PIECE Bounty Rush
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush
Nami-SWAAAN :3. The first female member of the Straw Hats and the reason behind the Arlong arc. Nami is an absolutely INCREDIBLE character, and the events of her arc are what set One Piece apart from the other Shounen series on it’s journey as the King. I have been watching and reading Eiichiro Oda’s One Piece for a very long time now, and thus the main cast is very near and dear to my heart — real fans will have picked up on the “romance dawn” reference. One Piece is absolutely loaded with interesting and unique characters, whether it’s the main Straw Hat crew, the villains of the series or even the side characters we only see for a couple of episodes. It’s easy to talk about the appeal of so many of these characters, so if it's talk about Favorite anime waifu for me it's Nami —


ONE PIECE Bounty Rush
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush
It is one of the best 3D adventure game in android. It's one of the most famous One Piece game in mobile that you can play your favourite character and control them.  You can fight battle mode with 4vs4. The most teamscore win the match. The game design is really good, every character have unique skill and effect to enemy. One character can have Haki State that it's invincible from other character that are not using haki. And one have the effect to lock the enemy with a black around thing. There's also a tremor effect which can be effected by Whitebeard. You can fight with your friend and online people! It is indeed the best One Piece game for Android in playstore. You guys shouldve try it, you  won't last 30 minutes!


Lee Tanaka
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush
i get what I want know so I happy play this game sometimes I lost to Hahahaha but it's okay 😊 I can keep up to become stronger 💪 Ever I failed and failed again I will keep up to beat all player ONE piece Bounty Rush.

Thanks You Bandai❤

Remember ONE PIECE Bounty Rush? It's THRIVING !

Remember ONE PIECE Bounty Rush? It's THRIVING !

ONE PIECE Bounty Rush
ONE PIECE Bounty Rush
I dont understand why people complain about the game is rlly good you nead luck to play this game and grind many times and you nead to be patient and have a good phone and wifi of loading to long by dowload at tap just dowload at app store idk why people complain like me have good internet and phones and luck i got the luffy extreme 3x times in my diff account and the extreme kaido you just nead to be good patients and luck