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Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
Sky光·遇 遊戲截圖
更多《Sky光·遇》是一款由《風之旅人》創作者所打造的療癒系 MMO,在全球屢獲殊榮。探索橫跨七個領域,美麗而神秘的國度,與來自世界各地的玩家創造永恆的回憶! 遊戲特色: 在這款多人社交遊戲中,有無數種方式與新朋友互動和遊玩。 每一天都是探險的機會。經常遊玩可以解鎖新的體驗,並獲得蠟燭獎勵,用以兌換造型。 自行定義造型: 表達你自己!每個新季節或活動都有新的裝束和配飾。 無盡的體驗: 學習新的表情動作,從先靈那裡汲取智慧。向其他玩家挑戰比賽、圍繞篝火取暖、一起演奏樂器、或是競速滑下山間雪道。無論做什麼,都要記得小心冥龍! 跨平台遊戲: 加入世界各地百萬真實玩家的行列吧 展現你的藝術天賦: 加入我們才華橫溢的創作者社群!拍攝遊戲的照片或影片,與新朋友一起分享遊玩時的回憶。 獲獎殊榮: 年度最佳手機遊戲(Apple) 傑出設計與創新獎(Apple) 演唱會主題虛擬世界最高用戶人數紀錄(金氏世界紀錄®) 年度最佳手機遊戲(SXSW) \\\\\\\\最佳視覺設計:美學(Webby) 最佳遊戲玩法 & 民選獎(Games for Change 獎) 觀眾獎(遊戲開發者選擇獎) 最佳獨立遊戲(Tap Tap遊戲獎)


2.4K 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • 🎮️ 這是一個很好玩的遊戲,我非常喜歡玩這個遊戲。
  • 🎨️ 優點: 很好玩,可以打發時間。遊戲玩法: 只是飛而已,但是小陳花了很多心思在裡面。
  • 💸️ 物品價格太高,蠟燭和充值都非常昂貴。



“Time waits for no one.” That iconic quote from The Girl Who Leapt Through Time underlines the harsh reality of the inevitability of time passing us all. It’s also a quote that captures my feelings about Sky: Children of the Light, a visually stunning open-world social adventure game that had me wishing I could relive the first time I played it. Developed by Thatgamecompany—the same team that made

An Uplifting Open-World Game About Healing The World - Sky: Children of the Light Review

Jay Hunter
I never got a chance to play Journey, much to my chagrin, but after experiencing the developer's latest game, Sky: Children of the Light, I'm going to seek it out. Sky has stirred something in me that I haven't felt since playing Gris: a love for beautiful artistic experiences where the focus is on appreciating and exploring the world that the creators have made. thank you That Game Company for making this wonderful experience

#MostVisuallyStunningGame SKY: CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT ❤️

Relaxing and very beautiful game, fun to play with friends.


Every sound of this wonderful game makes you feel that immersion that is not very common in current mobile video games.  In this game you find a great story and gameplay, the landscapes never cease to amaze you, as you progress you can notice that the team behind the game has put a lot of effort into bringing us this colorful and sometimes gloomy game.  The cinematics are very nice as well as the missions, in addition, it is very fun to play with friends and even with other players.  In my opinion, everyone who likes to admire landscapes and wants to escape from reality for a moment should give it a try.


if we are talking about stunning game graphics then "Sky: Children of the Light will fill that spot. I mean who wouldn't want clean and vast graphics when playing a game right? One more amazing things is "Sky: Children of the Light" is an open world game! Imagine the high visual graphics in an open world game, isn't it yummy meal for our eyes? Just look at the picture below, isn't it amazing "Sky: Children of the Light" main highlights is not just their visual graphics but also for its relaxing vibe accompanied by soothing music and sounds. Its like an oasis, a paradise to let our stress out.


Which X?
I found friends in this game and even my soulmate. We already 2 years with each other.☺️ This game is really beautiful with all this grafic and music. Very calming and good to meditate if you are alone. In the Sky really cool to make new friends all over the world. Also that you can play on instruments your songs is really cute thing! Cosmetics are gorgeous too! But still Sky is not for everyone because many people really love action and very energetic games. But for me, Sky COTL is the pearl in ocean. 🌸


The visuals of this game is absolutely beautiful. It makes you wonder if this is actually a mobile game. It looks more like an art piece rather than a game. I would personally rate this a 10/10 for the visuals, music, and story.


Beautiful, Cute, Chill, Relaxing... I just... I just can't do justice in describing it. Some regions in this game are like pictures of paradise on your phone.  Play it and see for yourself.


This is the game you enjoy from the start up to any moment you're playing. You're given purpose, beautiful land to walk on and blue skies to soar through. You're given the story and you're the one fulfilling it. You're given a chance to start anew and share the joy with others, guiding them, just like someone guided you back then. Sky isn't about hardcore gameplay, it isn't about difficult challenges and leaderboards. It's not about pulling characters or weapons. You won't be given a sword yet you can take a flute. You won't be given a bunch of flashy girls and boys, yet you'll be unique on your own. Sky is about exploring, about meeting others and completing the wonderful journey full of unspeakable beauty.


Nanami Hana
Editing my rating to 2 star. I've been a player for almost 3 years now. Let me tell you, this game is very repetitive. It lacks interesting gameplay, and everything is so expensive. You want a cool cosmetic? Cool! Pay 20$! Imagine spending that much money for only a damn cape and hair in game??? PLEASE STOP defending TGC. Theyre not a small video game company anymore!! They're a  multi billionaire company! YET, THEY CANT EVEN FIX BUGS  THAT HAVE BEEN ONGOING FOR YEARS??? Honestly very disappointing. They even focus on events that make them gain money instead of fixing major bugs that hinders your gameplay. Mind you, when they undergo maintenance and when the server suddenly has problems, THEY WILL NEVER EVER COMPENSATE YOU. I have experienced hundreds of server errors and maintenance. YET, I NEVER GOT A ONE CANDLE (game currency) FROM THEM. I could  say that gacha games are more generous than this game!

This game is getting worse
