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Most Helpful
2 회 조회 06/09/2024
Every dad played this
15 회 조회 04/26/2024
I played this game a ton when I was little, it is a decent game but I wouldn't play it much now. Gameplay: at the start of hill climb racing you have a lil red car that you can drive at the basic hills map. The further you drive the car the more money you can get, you can also pick up coins along the way. So far this game sounds too easy to worth playing but as you are driving you have to pick up gas, and if.you run out of gas you just stop and go back to the menu. Once you get enough money from driving you can, upgrade your car, buy a new car, or buy a new area. Some areas are special and have different effects on your vehicle, my favorite was the moon where you can basically just fly if you have a strong enough engine. Different vehicles can also affect how well you do but not a ton, if you have a "bad" vehicle for instance a one wheeler you could just upgrade it a bunch soo it is better but it will probably never be as good as something like a motorcycle.
Aleeyah Games
24 회 조회 02/25/2024
personal favorite! So much fun just a little frustrating in my opinion
94 회 조회 12/28/2023
Hill Climb Racing Fingersoft
High Tide
146 회 조회 12/19/2023
I would say this game is good. This game has lots of good ideas within its shell but it also has a lot of work to be done. It is a good game to play when you're bored and it kinda fun
Scott Summer
'Hill Climb Racing' review
877 회 조회 04/03/2023
Best game love it everyone should play this 🥰🌈
1.1K 회 조회 03/27/2023
Legendary game, but it becomes boring after not long time...
alperenismet Aydın
1K 회 조회 03/09/2023
i played that too, i played in his 2nd series game
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