Screenshot of Shadow Force: Glitchworld
Screenshot of Shadow Force: Glitchworld
Screenshot of Shadow Force: Glitchworld
Shadow Force: Glitchworld

Shadow Force: Glitchworld

Provider Frederic Neuen

A parodic retro-platformer in which the protagonists have broken their own game. Now they have to wander a glitch-ridden game where the levels are constantly changing while youā€™re playing.

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TapTap Creator
Shadow Force: Glitchworld | Gameplay Review | Very Hard RPG!
2.4K Views 12/15/2022
The Falcon
It is very suitable for people who are leisurely and like challenges.
2.5K Views 12/18/2022
Jay Hunter
Shadow Force: Glitchworld could be decent if it wasnā€™t such a snoozefest. Iā€™m always interested in a classic platformer to entertain myself, but Shadow Force: Glitchworld made me wish time would go faster so I didnā€™t need to play it anymore. The only reason I played the game for an hour was to see if it was good and write this very short review and even so, playing was pure torture. In this retro platformer, there are really only four main mechanics: moving forward and backward, jumping, and killing monsters. The objective is to stay alive to secure points that accumulate over time, which count toward a high score. To do this, I had to jump from one platform to another while slaying monsters using a ranged attack. If I fell off a platform or touched a monster, Iā€™d die and end my run. I had to move fast too, as the screen automatically shifts to the side during runs and would push me off a platform if I wasnā€™t careful.
1.6K Views 12/17/2022
Shadow Force: Glitchworld - Gameplay
1.9K Views 12/14/2022
Challenging and old-school platformer!
1.2K Views 12/14/2022
I am in a constant loop of beating my own high score here.
1.2K Views 12/19/2022
Dark Horse
Challenging and something you would see in those retro arcades
876 Views 12/19/2022
That's everything for now. Start a new game?