Screenshot of Super Cable Boy
Screenshot of Super Cable Boy
Screenshot of Super Cable Boy
Screenshot of Super Cable Boy
Screenshot of Super Cable Boy
Screenshot of Super Cable Boy
Screenshot of Super Cable Boy
Screenshot of Super Cable Boy
Super Cable Boy

Super Cable Boy

Provider Sørb

You are super. You have a cable. And you are a boy.
Super Cable Boy is a retro inspired platformer, where you are put into the role of a living handheld gaming system with a power cord. Collect game cartridges to become more powerful and take on your quest to defeat , a mysterious entity that threatens to destroy the world.

Get ready to
Throw your plug like a grappling hook and get dizzy

Jump and dash and stuff

See alternative dimensions

Fly around (crazy isn't it?)

Collect onigiris, don't they look delicious?

Prepare your body for some mind-bending retroesque glichart, a weird story and some solid platforming action!


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