Screenshot of Project Castaway
Screenshot of Project Castaway
Screenshot of Project Castaway
Screenshot of Project Castaway
Screenshot of Project Castaway
Screenshot of Project Castaway
Screenshot of Project Castaway
Screenshot of Project Castaway
Screenshot of Project Castaway
Screenshot of Project Castaway
Screenshot of Project Castaway
Screenshot of Project Castaway
Project Castaway

Project Castaway

Provider Mardonpol Inc.

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About the Game

Project Castaway is survival crafting title set in the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean. Hunt, gather, fell trees and embark on expeditions to traverse the ocean - discovering desert islands laden with unique resources.SURVIVE THE HARSH ELEMENTS

Embark on the life of a true castaway - stranded on a deserted island, with just yourself for company. Scavenge or hunt for food, traverse from island to island and be carefully construct rafts & shelters for when the night comes - it can get awfully cold on these islands...EXPLORE A BEAUTIFUL LANDSCAPE

Being stranded has some upsides, at least. Explore beautiful Pacific landscapes. Swim through shimmering blue water to stand upon golden sands as waves crash against your feet. When the weather turns, take cover under palm trees as the rain pelts the ocean - and listen to the thunder crash overhead.CONSTRUCT YOUR BASE

Use the natural materials surrounding you to construct a base - the key to your survival. Hunt animals, fell trees and scavenge ruined ships as you build your way to safety.BATTLE FOR SANITY

You best keep your wits about you - it can get lonely on these islands, and castaways have been known to lose their minds... Keep on top of your sanity and ensure that you're sleeping well - lest unnatural apparitions appear before you, seeking to take your life.


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