Screenshot of GoodbyeSeoul : Itaewon
Screenshot of GoodbyeSeoul : Itaewon
Screenshot of GoodbyeSeoul : Itaewon
Screenshot of GoodbyeSeoul : Itaewon
Screenshot of GoodbyeSeoul : Itaewon
Screenshot of GoodbyeSeoul : Itaewon
GoodbyeSeoul : Itaewon

GoodbyeSeoul : Itaewon

Provider JINO Games

Six months left until the end of the Earth due to an asteroid impact.
Ra-Yeon gives up everything and heads to the Han River to end her short life.
Ra-Yeon helps the soldier who was chased by the looters in the Han River bridge.
The soldier entrusts Ra-Yeon with a confidential document "Dorothy," along with information of space evacuation project being carried out confidentially by the government.

- In Seoul, represented by 2.5D pixel art graphics, chase the secret proejct.

- There are various kinds of dangers in the city.
- Solves problems by utilizing objects and given environments.

- The police and the army have collapsed. Nobody can help you from dangers.
- Escape from the enemy with agile movements or distract them with multiple devices.

- Or neutralize them with the environment.


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