Screenshot of Untitled Rougelike Arcade Game
Screenshot of Untitled Rougelike Arcade Game
Screenshot of Untitled Rougelike Arcade Game
Screenshot of Untitled Rougelike Arcade Game
Screenshot of Untitled Rougelike Arcade Game
Untitled Rougelike Arcade Game

Untitled Rougelike Arcade Game

Provider Homan Qiu

The game will be a short roguelike around 1-2 hours of playtime. Your goal is to escape the game by beating all the minigames the arcade gods present you. Although you will only be able to use a single finger due to some medical complications. Will you be able to tap to your victory or will you be forever trapped within this black and white world.

Note: This is a student project, expect the worst thing on Steam hahhaha.


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