Screenshot of Radiance
Screenshot of Radiance
Screenshot of Radiance
Screenshot of Radiance
Screenshot of Radiance
Screenshot of Radiance


Provider Panoramik Pictures LTD
3,423 Downloads6,769 Followers

Radiance is a mobile RPG featuring an unparalleled blend of genres and powerful story.

Explore countless gripping adventures fused with fierce beat 'em up fighting and the many challenges of survival in an otherworldly realm. In Radiance, every decision you make shapes your story.

Dive deep into a mystic sci-fi adventure with Radiance.


Embark on a breathtaking journey into a land beyond time, full of mystery, and inhabited by mystic creatures and ancient civilizations. At the heart of the Radiance world, the cyclopean mountain towering over the floating islands beckons you to begin your ascent.

Here, amid the ruins of a precursor civilization, a war has erupted between factions, vying to reach the Radiance Source atop the mountain and attain unlimited power. Can you beat them to it?


Following a heist gone bad, six mercenaries end up crash-landed in terra incognita teeming with threats. It’s now up to you to guide them to safety, and to help them beat all the enemies on the way.

You will face off against two powerful factions — the Cult, zealous descendants bent on mutation, and the Legion, a totalitarian paramilitary force, and neither will take kindly to competition.

Power through the waves of enemies and engage in intense beat ‘em up battles, using the vast arsenal of skills and weapons against the mystic powers of their foes.


On your epic journey with the legendary heroes of Radiance every ally is a force to be reckoned with.

Each of the Leviathan crew is a master of their own combat style, hailing from diverse backgrounds and wielding extraordinary abilities. You will manipulate gravity, use Radiance to cause explosions and fires, feel like a berserker and channel the ancient power of the Asuras.

As you progress, you'll learn to harness their unique fight styles and powerful finishing moves, creating dynamic synergies to build the ultimate team capable of dominating any battle!


In Radiance, the world around you bursts to life with an outstanding art style, real-time rendering, and meticulously crafted 3D character animations, immersing you deeply in every scene.

Explore this extraordinary world, where every nuance and texture is designed to enchant your senses.

Radiance isn't just a game — it's a saga. Every action you take weaves into the overarching narrative, offering endless exploration opportunities and boundless adventures.

As vast and captivating as the mystical world itself, immerse yourself in stunning visuals and let the game craft your unique tale in a world filled with wonder and hidden secrets.

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David Hand
23 Views 04/10/2024
This was an awesome game... when I could play it.  I had gone through all of part 1 and ran into the dead end, but after a recent update, I had to start over from the top.  Furthermore, right after the second fight, on the aircraft, the game crashes.  It says it must restart, but it will only crash again.  I hope you get it together, because I want to see the game in full.
10 Views 04/21/2024
Good game... but it will probably stay in beta and never be finished.. it would take too much time...🥲
Radiance: Revelations of the Mystical Island
4K Views 12/12/2023
TapTap Creator
Radiance - Hype Impressions/Is It Legit?/Beat Em Up Adventure
1.9K Views 11/24/2023
Saimon Basumatary
759 Views 11/26/2023
👍 Pros: I have completed the Part 1 of the game. 9/10🔥😱 👎 Cons: But still I can't find out the solution to escape the Part 1 of the game. Developer of the game Please give some Hints. 2/10☹️ 🎮 Gameplay: The gameplay of the game is quite good but it's runs only at 30fps. Please adjust it to 60fps🙏🏻. 3/10😐 📖 Storyline:  Storyline is also good. But doesn't provide Hints. 2/10☹️ 🕹️ Controls: Good Controls but need some adjustment.👍🏻 6/10😉
TapTap Creator
Radiance Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (ios, Android)
8.7K Views 11/22/2023
97 Views 11/26/2023
I just played 10 minutes. The phone was so hot that it felt like it was about to explode
sam dean
561 Views 11/26/2023
The game is choppy, it freezes and won't go past the second in-game cut scene. Love that enemies don't disappear but needs an update and remove the online requirements, it's unnecessary and slows the game down 👍 Pros: graphics look good, voice acting is ok, game concept is ok 👎 Cons: online requirement, choppy loading and gameplay, character remains stationary when attacking
782 Views 01/13/2024
What's next? When will be the update?
TapTap Creator
Radiance Gameplay Walkthrough (Android, iOS) - Part 1
3.2K Views 11/22/2023
That's everything for now. Start a new game?