Screenshot of Graveyard Shift
Screenshot of Graveyard Shift
Screenshot of Graveyard Shift
Screenshot of Graveyard Shift
Screenshot of Graveyard Shift
Screenshot of Graveyard Shift
Graveyard Shift

Graveyard Shift

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After an underground military lab experiment goes horribly wrong, Steve the Janitor stirs from a long nap to an eerie silence.
Guide Steve to the surface, evading the mutant test subjects that can hear—but not see—everything he does.Tread lightlyTiptoe through corridors while monitoring the volume of your footsteps. Every sound wave travels far—and military mutants are not a fan of noise.Carve out your escape routeBlast open walls and shatter windows to explore new areas or cause distractions.Keep tabs on your resourcesChoose between corridors filled with locked doors, angry mutants, and barricaded exits. Every key, bomb, and brick matters!Ascend to the surface and uncover military secretsInvestigate abandoned computers and research notes as you slip through every floor, discovering the untold story behind the military catastrophe.


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