Dance On - Hotsteps Mobile遊戲截圖
Dance On - Hotsteps Mobile遊戲截圖
Dance On - Hotsteps Mobile遊戲截圖
Dance On - Hotsteps Mobile遊戲截圖
Dance On - Hotsteps Mobile遊戲截圖
Dance On - Hotsteps Mobile遊戲截圖
Dance On - Hotsteps Mobile

Dance On - Hotsteps Mobile

廠商 AVQ Game
65 下載106 追蹤

Dance On - Hotsteps Mobile is the most Anticipated Dancing Game in 2024.
The Graphic is awesome and the dancing moves is very smooth.

Dance On - Hotsteps Mobile Feature:

© Couple & Married ©
Dance On - Hotsteps Mobile has several social features including married features and Couple features. Player won’t feel playing alone because they can meet each other and interact with each other.

© Battle Dance ©
Battle Dance is divided into 2 options: Single Battle or Team Battle. Player need to win the battle to get point and become the best Dancer in Battle Ranking.

© Garden ©
Garden will help player to gain more resource including rare item and ingame coin. Player need to take care of their garden by planting and watering it everyday.

© Story Quest ©
Completing Story Quest will rewarded by valuable item. Beside story quest, player can also do the Side Quest or Couple Quest.

There are still many feature at Dance On - Hotsteps Mobile such as: Crafting, a lot of Fashion, a lot of New Songs and also the awesome performance of Graphic and Dancing Moves!

- Choose your style, Fashioning your life –

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