Crisis in the Kremlin: The Cold War screenshot game
Crisis in the Kremlin: The Cold War screenshot game
Crisis in the Kremlin: The Cold War screenshot game
Crisis in the Kremlin: The Cold War screenshot game
Crisis in the Kremlin: The Cold War screenshot game
Crisis in the Kremlin: The Cold War screenshot game
Crisis in the Kremlin: The Cold War

Crisis in the Kremlin: The Cold War

Penyedia Nostalgames
2 Follower

PERESTROIKA - CONTINUATION OF OCTOBERCrisis... Crisis has caught up with the Motherland of the Revolution and lurks in its very heart - the Kremlin.
The Soviet Union has stood still for too long, and now many different circumstances, groups and people are pushing it to change. Some see the future in a return to the past, some in cautious reforms, and some want radical change. The Crisis has taken deep roots in Kremlin towers, and the lurking traitors are just waiting for their moment in the spotlight.

Where will the blow of the Cheka officer's punitive sword be directed this time? Where will the knight of the Party in red armour point his finger? And where will the foot of the entire Soviet people step? Greatness? Communism? Reforms? Collapse?

Take command of the Soviet Union in the new, updated Crisis in the Kremlin. Lead the country through the most difficult times. Conduct scientific research, manage finances to bring the USSR out of a prolonged political crisis. Carry out social reforms, introduce free elections or, alternatively, roll back any liberal endeavours: fine-tuning legislation is in your hands. Make friends with the Western world or confront the US and bring about its collapse, follow the unusual path of neo-imperialism or carve your own path: "Crisis in the Kremlin" opens up huge prospects for you.

Try on the chair of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee
Start and successfully carry out Perestroika or not even to start it
Reorganise the USSR, build the legendary OGAS or establish a united world state
Bring about the world communist revolution dreamed of by the classics of Marxism-Leninism
Build a proper capitalism that will leave competitors from the West and East far behind
Fine-tune the laws of the Soviet Union, creating an entirely new state
Create your dream country or turn it into your nightmare
Control the state budget
Reach new scientific heights: build the Soviet Internet, continue the space race and win it, conquer the Moon and Mars
Conduct diplomacy with the whole world: hostility or friendship with the West, China and dozens of other states
Revive former states, liberate small peoples around the world, or create brand new unprecedented countries
Interfere in the course of international events and world history itself
Repress, reform, proclaim, intervene, perform, break and build....

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