RADIANT ELUSION screenshot game
RADIANT ELUSION screenshot game
RADIANT ELUSION screenshot game
RADIANT ELUSION screenshot game
RADIANT ELUSION screenshot game
RADIANT ELUSION screenshot game



Accelerate towards oblivion in RADIANT ELUSION (光放逃避), a 3D-first-person precision platformer, wherein you search of the Irrecoverable Condition locked behind the virtual gates of the Free Market!

To do so: collect revenue in the shape of floating skulls to appease the markets demands and to progress through 10 digital domains that test your skills in the ways of surfing the rainbows of electronic power, racing the undead across sludge-content, solving interconnected puzzles inside vacant labyrinthian malls as well as self defense against the overstimulating content within great social media palaces! Locate golden engines to gain access to an alternative ending level and obtain up to 4 unlockable abilities through the form of forbidden fruits for greater player expression and to advance within the radiant artificiality of interactive entertainment!

Yes, you are hereby invited to gaze into the RADIANT ELUSION of bright pixelated 3D-grapichs all while the electronic soundtrack numbs your corporeal self!

This product includes:
Surfing-mechanics when in contact with angled geometry!
Speeding through virtual void via Shifting/Dashing!
4 different unlockable abilities with multiple uses that enhance intractability and moving around 3D-space!
A Hubworld for interactive and mostly nonlinear level progression!
2 game endings!
Local Time Attack-mode that saves and displays the best completion time of each of the games levels in the name of Accelerationism!
Narrative that is interwoven with the gameplay systems, its mechanics, and our civilizations current times of moving forward backwards!
An euphoric electronic soundtrack and VFX/SFX for satisfying audio-visual feedback!
For successful navigation in the games computer generated 3D-environments it is suggested that looking around both horizontally/veritcally and using spatial awareness
The game autosaves after completing a level
Play how you want, speedy, exploratory, or both at the same time

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