Was God Birthed!?のキャプチャ
Was God Birthed!?のキャプチャ
Was God Birthed!?のキャプチャ
Was God Birthed!?のキャプチャ
Was God Birthed!?のキャプチャ
Was God Birthed!?のキャプチャ
Was God Birthed!?

Was God Birthed!?

会社 Finnsoft

This game is a companion to the 'Was God Birthed!?' EP by Pop-Punk band Club Ruby and includes a free, high quality soundtrack download of the EP.

Explore a lush, liminal museum with surreal suprises at every turn as you avoid your dad with your wits and scooter, and make it downstairs in time to catch the Club Ruby Rave!

- Explore a non-linear, dream-like museum on foot and on scooter

- Avoid the ever-present threat of your dad who wants to drag you home

- If you break anything in the museum, god help you - Aimee will hunt you down (she's just doing her job)

- Listen to the titular song 'Was God Birthed!?', unravel its meanings while playing the game of the song, and unlock 4 bonus tracks through side-missions and meeting the colorful characters of the museum

- Go absolutely ham at the CLUB RUBY DINO RAVE and shoot things into the stratosphere in the most gleefully trippy end level of all time



