Krusty Krab Nightmare

Krusty Krab Nightmare

Provider OneTonGames
13 Downloads95 Followers

Krusty Krab Nightmare is a horror game where you have to complete different missions to leave Krusty Krab. The player takes the role of Mr. Krabs who stayed at night in the office. You have to finish your job, collect all the money, lock everything inside and leave. But you hear strange noises outside your office at 3:00 am! Something terrible is going on. The Nightmare is already here and it hunts on you!

Be brave enough, little crab! The monster is after you! Run for your life and escape your nightmare! Krusty Krab Nightmare is a perfect pick for five nights games fans! You will be scared, we promise! Good luck!


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Rojas Martinez (ice)
6 Views 04/14/2024
This was a great game
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