Início>Jogos>The Department / Trosedd
Captura de Tela do Jogo The Department / Trosedd
Captura de Tela do Jogo The Department / Trosedd
Captura de Tela do Jogo The Department / Trosedd
Captura de Tela do Jogo The Department / Trosedd
Captura de Tela do Jogo The Department / Trosedd
Captura de Tela do Jogo The Department / Trosedd
Captura de Tela do Jogo The Department / Trosedd
Captura de Tela do Jogo The Department / Trosedd
Captura de Tela do Jogo The Department / Trosedd
Captura de Tela do Jogo The Department / Trosedd
Captura de Tela do Jogo The Department / Trosedd
Captura de Tela do Jogo The Department / Trosedd
Captura de Tela do Jogo The Department / Trosedd
Captura de Tela do Jogo The Department / Trosedd
Captura de Tela do Jogo The Department / Trosedd
Captura de Tela do Jogo The Department / Trosedd
The Department / Trosedd

The Department / Trosedd

COPA Gaming
Mais The Department is a single-player narrative driven detective game. Investigate crime scenes, interrogate suspects and draw your own conclusion. Each case has a range of suspects, but the true killer changes from playthrough to playthrough, so you will always need to keep your wits about you. Be careful, because in The Department, how you solve a crime is often just as important as solving it. Mishandling evidence, and improper treatment of your suspects could lead to you failing to bring justice to the killer in question. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mae Trosedd yn gêm dditectif un-chwaraewr sy'n seiliedig ar stori. Ymchwiliwch wahanol olygfeydd, holi amheuon a dod i'ch casgliad eich hun. Mae gan bob achos ystod o amheuon, ond mae'r lladdwr yn newid pob tro, felly bydd angen i chi canolbwyntio ar y manylion pob tro. Byddwch yn ofalus, oherwydd yn Drosedd, mae sut rydych chi'n datrys achos yn mor bwysig â datrys yr achos ei hun. Os ydych chi’n cam-drin tystiolaeth, a thrin eich amheuon yn anghywir, gallai arwain at fethiant.

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