ホーム>ゲーム>Battle Royale: FPS Shooter
Battle Royale: FPS Shooter のビデオのスクリーンショット
Battle Royale: FPS Shooter ゲームのスクリーンショット
Battle Royale: FPS Shooter ゲームのスクリーンショット
Battle Royale: FPS Shooter ゲームのスクリーンショット
Battle Royale: FPS Shooter ゲームのスクリーンショット
Battle Royale: FPS Shooter ゲームのスクリーンショット
Battle Royale: FPS Shooter ゲームのスクリーンショット
Battle Royale: FPS Shooter ゲームのスクリーンショット
Battle Royale: FPS Shooter ゲームのスクリーンショット
Battle Royale: FPS Shooter ゲームのスクリーンショット
Battle Royale: FPS Shooter ゲームのスクリーンショット
Battle Royale: FPS Shooter ゲームのスクリーンショット
Battle Royale: FPS Shooter ゲームのスクリーンショット
Battle Royale: FPS Shooter ゲームのスクリーンショット
Battle Royale: FPS Shooter ゲームのスクリーンショット
Battle Royale: FPS Shooter ゲームのスクリーンショット
Battle Royale: FPS Shooter

Battle Royale: FPS Shooter

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6 評価



“Battlefield Mobile” is a highly anticipated game from the renowned Battlefield franchise. Developed by DICE in partnership with Industrial Toys, this game is designed specifically for the mobile audience. The game is known for its large-scale warfare, destructible environments, and cinematic moments of gameplay. It aims to bring the same level of excitement and intensity that the Battlefield series is known for to mobile platforms.The gameplay is designed to be a fully-fledged, skill-based experience for mobile players. With the game now entering early testing in Southeast Asia, we’re able to get a glimpse of how alpha gameplay looks.However, it’s important to note that the game will be competing with other popular mobile shooters like Call of Duty Mobile and PUBG: Mobile. It’ll be interesting to see if DICE leans into the more short-burst gameplay style of its competitors.The game was set to officially launch on iOS and Android in 2023. However, EA announced its plan to shutter the service instead. But there’s a possibility that both games may return to the platform in the future.In conclusion, “Battlefield Mobile” promises to be an exciting addition to the mobile gaming landscape. With its large-scale battles and destructible environments, it could potentially redefine mobile gaming. However, its future seems uncertain at this point. 🎮🕹️🚀🚀🕹️🎮

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