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Foursaken Media
もっと世界は廃墟と化し、人類は滅びてしまった。すると、灰の中から2つの勢派が出現した。驚くべきパワーを持つ超自然的生命体のマギ、そして、超最先端の機械の種族であるメカだ。そして今、この恨み重なるライバル同士が、生き残りと最も希少なエレメントである「セレスティアム」の取得権を懸けて壮大な戦争を繰り広げることとなった。 リアルタイムストラテジー 自分の勢派を選び、ヒーローを選んで、戦争に繰り出そう。RTSバトルで驚愕のパワーを解き放ち、巨大な軍隊を召喚して、勝利を目指して戦い抜こう! 壮大なキャンペーン 世界滅亡後の地球で戦争を勃発させ、壮大なRTSキャンペーンで攻撃をしたり防御したりしよう。 パワフルな呪文とヒーロー 6人のユニークなヒーローの中から選び、いくつもあるパワフルな呪文を使って戦いに向かわせよう。バーサーカーで敵を征服し、コラサスで敵を崩壊させるか、ネクロマンサーの軍隊で敵を圧倒させよう。決断は君次第! パワフルなアイテムのクラフト アイテムを集め、それを使ってレアで強力なアーティファクトをクラフトして、ヒーロー、呪文や部隊をスーパーチャージしよう! グラフィックス 素晴らしい3Dグラフィックス、ダイナミックな照明や細かい粒子効果を楽しもう。この暗い戦乱のファンタジーファンワールドに、君も没頭できること間違いなし! ファンタジーとSFの融合 ファンタジーなモンスターを召喚するか、SFな戦争マシーンを作り上げよう。呪文を唱えるか、武器の力を解き放とう。魔法か技術を使って戦争に勝とう - このユニークなジャンル混合ゲームでは、どんな決断も君次第だ! SNS 最新ニュースやアップデートは、Discord、TwitterまたはFacebookで(@FoursakenMedia)をフォローしてください!


16 評価



Chillyroom ChillyRoom, based in Shenzhen, China, comprises a team of talented and creative indie developers. Recognized for their rogue-like dungeon crawlers like Soul Knight and Otherworld Legends, the team is dedicated to ongoing game development across various genres, all with the singular aim of delivering fun and joy. ___________________________________________ Foursaken Media The four brothers, Tom, Jamie, Miles, and Connor, founded Foursaken Media in 2010, channeling their passion for creating exceptional video games. Over the years, they have successfully developed games across diverse genres, including action, RPG, puzzle, strategy, idle, and more, showcasing their versatility and expertise in the gaming industry.

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Finally! Top 25 Best Offline Games for Android & iOS 2023 | High Graphics

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Top 25 BEST OFFLINE Games for Android 2023 #1

Magic vs. Metal EA Global Android/iOS Gameplay 2022 [High Graphics]

Magic vs. Metal EA Global Android/iOS Gameplay 2022 [High Graphics]

Liyo Gaming
What I love about mobile games is their wide range of ideas and graphic quality. This game's battle mechanics are pretty unique but simple to understand. The game has good graphics and the quality of the characters and monsters is superb! The game controls are responsive as well, but they sometimes lag when using skills. Having to choose characters to suit your taste in gameplay makes the game thrilling. The game is about surviving a horde of monsters that attacks you and players can choose to play as a Mecha or magic which has their own unique skill set. When battling, you can strategically plan where to land your skills, which helps the player win.

A mobile trend to try with a unique game concept

This will be one of the rare times that a player is given the option to choose between using one hand or two hands in playing the game. The game is sort of a Role-Playing Game, Real Time Strategy, and Third person shooter hybrid. The game is simply making your units from one faction be the strongest so that you can defend your base and destroy the enemy's base when the level presents it. I played a few levels/ attacks on the game and I find it satisfying that the visuals and the animation are really good. The enemy spawn has their details and information as well per level. Games like this are more inclined to become a success. Numbers are part of everything we do especially playing games.

Magic Vs Metal (MVM) | Can Metal really fight Magic?

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