Cat of Khronos のビデオのスクリーンショット
Cat of Khronos ゲームのスクリーンショット
Cat of Khronos ゲームのスクリーンショット
Cat of Khronos ゲームのスクリーンショット
Cat of Khronos ゲームのスクリーンショット
Cat of Khronos ゲームのスクリーンショット
Cat of Khronos ゲームのスクリーンショット
Cat of Khronos ゲームのスクリーンショット
Cat of Khronos ゲームのスクリーンショット
Cat of Khronos ゲームのスクリーンショット
もっとI'm approaching you against the flow of time, Yet you think I'm moving away. I venture into the future, intruding into your line of sight, But you won't know what I did in the past. I bring together the moments we passed by each other, And you believe I'm standing right in front of you. For me, it's merely a step-by-step, down-to-earth journey, But in your eyes, it's an elusive twinkle of stars. You're a fish flowing with the river of time, While I'm a bird freely soaring above the river. I think in terms of timelines.


1.6K 評価
player のアイコンplayer のアイコンplayer のアイコンplayer のアイコン


  • 🧠️ ゲームのパズルは複雑に設計されており、やりがいがあり、興味深い時間操作メカニズムが組み込まれています。
  • 🎨️ 魅力的な 2D ピクセル アート スタイル、ユニークなレベル デザイン、リラックスできるクラシック音楽が楽しいゲーム体験を提供します。
  • 📚️ ゲームのガイダンスと対話には問題があり、十分に明確ではないため、プレイヤーがゲームプレイを理解することが困難になっています。



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Cat of Khronos
Cat of Khronos
I don't think I was smart enough because I couldn't get past the second level 😭. I swear I tried for 30 min and the instructions only popped up once.
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Cat of Khronos
Cat of Khronos
This game is very challenging and I love it. As a puzzle game fan, I was looking forward to this game and fortunately it did not disappoint. Graphic is low quality, the music is alright and the story doesn't really matter, I won't even question why some of these floating things are guarding fish.. all that matters are the puzzles, and they really did a really great job at designing those puzzles. The gameplay is nice. I really love the time jump mechanic, I think it's very creative and definitely is a breath of fresh air. This game is just not your generic puzzle games.

Time Traveling Cat?! This Puzzle Game is NOT for Dummies.

Cat of Khronos
Cat of Khronos
Cat of Khronos seems like a simple enough puzzle game that you could play on-the-go. Unfortunately, I personally didn't have fun and it really grinded my gears how difficult it could actually get. Controls are simple enough and the graphics are passable for an indie game. My issue is with how things are worded in this game. Yeah sure, it controls well enough. The mechanics seem solid. You just have to move the cat to the fish and back again given a limited amount of turns. The cat can move in any of the four immediate spaces around it in any of the turns which could be a bit confusing at first; but with the proper instruction, I reckon this would have been more fun than confusing.

Cat of Khronos - At First Glance

Cat of Khronos
Cat of Khronos
I love cute kittens. This game has enormous potential and I honestly missed a more lively environment. Because there is magic in the story and all the maps are similar and dark, something lifeless, in my experience it was a negative point. Because it's a very slow game, where you don't have a voice in the character, most of the time you don't show emotion, even as the dialogues progress, the environment gets frustrating, there's no upbeat music to make me feel in a adventure.
Cat of Khronos
Cat of Khronos
Use my reedem code m98gP5Ad to get more tickets. Wow, this game is really complex than I expected. You have to use your timelines wisely and if you don't know what you're doing you'll most likely get stuck and confused. The levels progressively gets difficult, and once they teach you the basics it's up to your knowledge and manipulation. It will take some time to get the hang of this game but once you do it really is fun, it's funny to see our cat's movement in the mortal perspective which doesn't make sense. Overall this game is a 9/10 for me.
Ducky :D