Mission Zero 비디오 스크린샷
Mission Zero 게임 스크린샷
Mission Zero 게임 스크린샷
Mission Zero 게임 스크린샷
Mission Zero 게임 스크린샷
Mission Zero 게임 스크린샷
Mission Zero 게임 스크린샷
Mission Zero 게임 스크린샷
Mission Zero 게임 스크린샷
Mission Zero 게임 스크린샷
Mission Zero

Mission Zero

Netease Games Global
더 보기Blend in and lay low. Mission Zero is a 2v4 competitive stealth game featuring blend-in and distinguished gameplay experience. It supports cross-platform play on iOS, Android, and PC. Players will assume the role of either invader or chaser as a game unfolds between the Sirius and the Mobius. Daring hide & seek, dazzling abilities and equipment combats, nerve-wracking escapes, all of this, and more make Mission Zero an intense experience in cloak-and-dagger operations! CAN YOU SEE THROUGH THE DISGUISE Each mission is a chance to display your acting chops. Utilizing everything the environment has to offer, you disguise yourself and proceed with the mission. Assume the identity of a VIP, a janitor, or whatever is needed to blend seamlessly into the crowd. A THRILLING GAME OF CAT AND MOUSE As an agent, you travel the world to carry out seemingly impossible missions, all strictly confidential of course! The four invaders must blend in and collect secret information; the two chasers must work in concert to hunt down their uninvited “guests”. PICK YOUR CHASER A rich set of chaser ability combos; the Flurry of Fists, the Master of Magic, the Rampage Girl, etc. Bring the one best fits you into the field! COOL TECH EQUIPMENT IS AT YOUR DISPOSAL Trick or slip chasers with creative equipment combos! Is your path to victory in the thrill of the chase, or a coordinated confrontation? The choice is all yours! Contact Us Official Site: 🔗link Facebook: 🔗link Discord: 🔗link YouTube: youtube.com/@missionzero_en

평점 및 리뷰

리뷰 작성
170 평점
player 아이콘player 아이콘player 아이콘player 아이콘

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  • 🎨️ 최고의 캐릭터 디자인은 플레이어가 적어도 하나의 캐릭터와 사랑에 빠지도록 보장합니다.
  • 🗺️️ 아름다운 지도 디자인과 매력적인 스토리라인이 게임 경험을 향상시킵니다.
  • 🕹️️ 때때로 컨트롤이 투박하고 반응이 없어 초보자에게 탐색이 혼란스러울 수 있습니다.

