Скриншот игры Vandals
Скриншот игры Vandals
Скриншот игры Vandals
Скриншот игры Vandals
Скриншот игры Vandals
Скриншот игры Vandals
Скриншот игры Vandals
Скриншот игры Vandals
Скриншот игры Vandals
Скриншот игры Vandals
Скриншот игры Vandals
Скриншот игры Vandals


ARTE France Apps
БольшеVandals is an infiltration game that will transport you to the most emblematic cities of street art. In this turn-based game, the goal is to sneak around police surveillance and spray walls that grow harder and harder to access. From Paris to Tokyo, via São Paulo, Berlin and New York, follow in the wake of ultra-famous street artists like Blek Le Rat and Keith Haring. With Vandals, you can bomb your alias on the walls of New York like Lady Pink, paint childlike characters like Keith Haring, or get inspired by the poems of Miss.Tic and write your own. After Type:Rider, Vandals is the new project by Cosmografik. It's a video game published and co-produced by ARTE - the European cultural TV and digital channel - and Ex Nihilo. Developed in partnership with Novelab. It is easy to learn, and the puzzles promise hours of immersion and pleasure. • Share your most awesome creations on social networks • Rock to the rhythm of an original soundtrack: headphones recommended! • Play in portrait or landscape mode. Left-handed / right-handed option The game includes: • 60 puzzles to solve • 5 cities with original graphical worlds • 40 backgrounders on the evolution of streetart since the 1960s

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Игроки говорят...

  • 🎨️ The game immerses us in street art culture with over 60 intriguing puzzles across 5 different cities.
  • 🌃️ We can navigate famous cities like Paris, Sao Paulo, Berlin, New York, and Tokyo, each with unique terrains.
  • 👮‍♂️️ As the game progresses, police surveillance intensifies, increasingly limiting the vandal's operating radius.



Vandals [ MOBILE ] | Android

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