首頁>遊戲>Buriedbornes -Hardcore RPG-
Buriedbornes -Hardcore RPG- 遊戲截圖
Buriedbornes -Hardcore RPG- 遊戲截圖
Buriedbornes -Hardcore RPG- 遊戲截圖
Buriedbornes -Hardcore RPG- 遊戲截圖
Buriedbornes -Hardcore RPG- 遊戲截圖
Buriedbornes -Hardcore RPG- 遊戲截圖
Buriedbornes -Hardcore RPG- 遊戲截圖
Buriedbornes -Hardcore RPG- 遊戲截圖
Buriedbornes -Hardcore RPG- 遊戲截圖
Buriedbornes -Hardcore RPG- 遊戲截圖
Buriedbornes -Hardcore RPG-

Buriedbornes -Hardcore RPG-

更多最古老不祥的預言如今變成了現實。 這是屬於「已死之物-Buriedbornes-」之間沒有結束沒有救贖的戰爭。 # 簡便的探索×嚴峻的冒險 Buriedbornes是一款操作簡單的硬核地下城RPG遊戲。 挑選角色、選擇要前往的地下城。 更新替換技能與裝備、擊倒出現在眼前的敵人。 以簡便的操作,通過活用技能與裝備應對各種戰鬥,高戰略性與難度就是本作品的魅力所在。 迷宮的深處究竟會發生什麼?遊戲時各種異樣的展開等你來體驗。 你,是否能為這場未曾有過的災厄畫上終止符呢? # 已死之物之間的戰爭 Buriedbornes是一款RogueLike的RPG遊戲。 冒險者一旦確認死去,將無法再度復活。 然而,失去了主人之後,化成彷徨之骸永遠在迷宮裡遊蕩的已死之物-Buriedbornes-,或許會成為阻擋你前進的敵人。 又或者,他們遺留下來的遺物將成為你在冒險時的幫助。 他們的亡骸或許會殘留要傳遞給你的信息。同樣的,你也能在亡骸上留下信息給別人。 收集在地下城裡得到的魔石,能讓你解鎖並使用更多各種各樣職業的冒險者。 # 遊戲操作 - 選擇冒險者進行冒險。 - 點擊要前往的房間,以此在地下城裡往深處移動。 - 遇上敵人的話,點擊想要使用的技能進行戰鬥。 - 觸發事件、撿到物品的話,好好考慮一下再決定怎麼做吧。 - 擊敗「BOSS」的話,就能往下一層樓層移動。 - 向深層出發,擊殺在10F裡等待著你的「古代的霸王」吧! # 還有steam版 * 官網 🔗link # 使用的素材 とり夫 🔗link 化け貓缶素材屋 🔗link 白貓 🔗link 甘茶の音楽工房 🔗link 效果音ラボ 🔗link 不允許在 Google Play、AppStore、mogera.jp 和 Steam 之外分發 Buriedbornes。


51 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • 🎮️ 遊戲具有深度和豐富的功能,是roguelike和經典回合制RPG愛好者的即時經典。
  • 🎨️ 遊戲的氛圍非常有創意,簡單但富有特色。
  • 💬️ 翻譯非常糟糕,需要懂一些日語才能理解。



Buriedbornes -Hardcore RPG-
Buriedbornes -Hardcore RPG-
Это очень крутая штука! Искал игру для работы, типа если что, можно отложить и забыть, ага. Но что-то пошло не так и вот уже второй день, игра, нехило так удивляет. Много персонажей, разные механики, мобы, боссы, которых большое разнообразие и это только первый - "этап" а я почти каждый раз встречаю новых. Вначале пока разберешься в этих механиках, разобрался, радуешься. Радуешься что протолкнул одного персонажа во второй этап, круто, тут же получаешь п***** от первого же моба, расстраиваешься, прогоняешь нового.    Собираешь супер-крутой-убер-билд, даешь пи*** - всем кто тебе навалял на первом этапе, и... тут же получаешь лютых п****в на следующем, рядовом, мобе..
Buriedbornes -Hardcore RPG-
Buriedbornes -Hardcore RPG-
🎮 Gameplay: I tried to play the game on my Pixel A14 but couldn't even get it to start. please let me know if it works on other Android versions
One of the only games that can be played even with a broken phone daamnn... 6 months fast forward saying goodbye to that sorry excuse of a phone, IM STILL PLAYING THIS GAME! Anyway the Sprites are amazing, but the translations are horrible, good thing I read a lil bit of Katakana, and Hiragana. (I fucking Hate Kanji Dialect)
The game is simple enough. Run through a dungeon, build a character and then die... Granted there is much too initially unpack and get into a greater amount of detail as you go. You can play it for 10 minutes or an hour or even more. It's just generally fun with many ways to play. Feels like a Gameboy version of a souls like game. The immersion to the games atmosphere feels very creative. They kept it simple and still gave it character. Hope to support the devs and paid a bit into it. They deserve it as this little game is much cooler than it should be.

it's a great mobile rogue lite that feels nostalgic

Justin Ritchie
Buriedbornes -Hardcore RPG-
Buriedbornes -Hardcore RPG-
Best game on Android. A sleeper hit that is both challenging and highly addictive. The one man Japanese developer puts his blood, sweat, and tears into this game and it shows through the sheer amount of depth, and features the game possesses. An instant classic for roguelike enthusiast's and classic turnbased rpg fans alike.
Buriedbornes -Hardcore RPG-
Buriedbornes -Hardcore RPG-
A Borne Again Experience To not miss any future mobile reviews subscribe to my YouTube Channel Score 10/10 Full Review: Playtime: ~4 hours I was hesitant to give this game a try if only because I was scared of being let down. I had heard so many good things about it but it looked outside of my niche based off of the graphics alone. That being said, I finally pulled the trigger then decided to give the game a try. I am SO thankful I did. This has got to be one of the best dungeon crawlers that I have ever played. I think that the depth alone warrants consideration for some. I could easily see someone sinking tens to hundreds of hours on this game and still finding it enjoyable. The ability to feel like you have the perfect build all the while knowing that it will inevitably succumb to its impending doom is something that few games capture this well. The only downside is that it can take a while to get hooked to the gameplay loop (about an hour which in mobile time is a while) but if you do I can promise that this will not be an experience that you will forget.

A "Borne" Again Experience

Gaming In The Moment
Buriedbornes -Hardcore RPG-
Buriedbornes -Hardcore RPG-
That oneguy