Rush Rally 3 遊戲截圖
Rush Rally 3 遊戲截圖
Rush Rally 3 遊戲截圖
Rush Rally 3 遊戲截圖
Rush Rally 3 遊戲截圖
Rush Rally 3 遊戲截圖
Rush Rally 3 遊戲截圖
Rush Rally 3 遊戲截圖
Rush Rally 3 遊戲截圖
Rush Rally 3 遊戲截圖
Rush Rally 3 遊戲截圖
Rush Rally 3 遊戲截圖
Rush Rally 3 遊戲截圖
Rush Rally 3 遊戲截圖
Rush Rally 3 遊戲截圖
Rush Rally 3 遊戲截圖
Rush Rally 3 遊戲截圖
Rush Rally 3 遊戲截圖
Rush Rally 3 遊戲截圖
Rush Rally 3 遊戲截圖
Rush Rally 3

Rush Rally 3

Brownmonster Limited
更多《Rush Rally 3》是你手機上最逼真寫實的拉力賽模擬遊戲。 家機品質的拉力賽 無論雨雪、晝夜,以每秒 60 幀的畫面進行賽車!超過 72 個全新獨特賽段,其地面類型各不相同,包含雪地、礫石、柏油路和泥地!遊戲使用迄今為止最好的汽車動力學模型之一,包括實時車輛形變和損壞,以 15 年以上的經驗為你精心建構賽車樂趣。 世界拉力賽! 開始全新的職業模式,在單人拉力賽中與許多國家相互競賽,或者在場地拉力賽中與其他賽車彼此爭鬥。 建造你的車庫 升級、調整並自訂一個裝滿賽車的車庫。使用全新的塗裝編輯器,將你的車子改頭換面。購買新的車輪和升級,使每輛車真正獨一無二。 與朋友競賽、多人遊戲和離線賽車! 實時多人遊戲、社群排行榜和幽靈賽車模式可讓你隨時與任何玩家競賽。看看你與世界上的頂級選手相比程度如何。 現場比賽 在每週賽事中與世界各地的其他玩家在獨特的所選賽道上相互競爭! 最佳化的操控! 可供完全自訂的控制系統,專為觸控與傾斜裝置設計,讓賽車變得更有趣、更連貫。隨心所欲地放置控制組件!而且全面支援所有MFi控制器。 _______________________________________________________ 結識新的玩家,了解更多有關《Rush Rally 3》的資訊: Instagram: 🔗link Twitter: 🔗link Facebook: 🔗link _______________________________________________________ RUSH RALLY 系列所獲得的讚譽 5 / 5 - Touch Arcade -「Rush Rally 2 ——顯然是手機上最好的賽車遊戲之一」 9 / 10 - Pocket Gamer -「Rush Rally 2 ——只要有機會就請立即下載」 9 / 10 - -「Rush Rally 2 ——毫無疑問是手機上最好的拉力賽遊戲」 - 2017 年國際手機遊戲獎(IMGA)年度最佳遊戲獎提名 - 2014 年由遊戲行業專家推選入圍開發獨立展示獎項 -


108 個評分



I love rally in real life.... Aand i need this game
Just Smile
I want this game this game is super
Manu Rithu
Because I like to play it
Harjeet Singh
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[Saturday, 11/19/2022] The weekly next - Neural Cloud, Evil West, and more

TapTap Editor
Rush Rally 3
Rush Rally 3
I'm still in the early stage, having just driven four circuits and two vehicles, but I've seen enough to know that this is a winning game. The game play is simple, the songs are gorgeous and may be tough, and it's closely timed, so you have to work for it, wonderful, you won't get through it in a week or two. Which is a reasonable price pot of gold gaming experience is well worth every penny.

well worth every penny

Rush Rally 3
Rush Rally 3
Is this game coming to PC? I played it years ago on mobile and it was actually one of my favorite racing games back then. The controls and physics are on spot. For a mobile game, the graphics are decent. It'll be awesome to play it again on a bigger screen.

'Rush Rally 3 (PC, NS, Mobile)' review

Rush Rally 3
Rush Rally 3
From mobile, to the Nintendo Switch, and soon to be on PC via Steam… Rush Rally 3 is the title accomplishing that feat, and alongside its upcoming Steam release on 24th November, Brownmonster Games also has a “Major Update” coinciding for all platforms of the title.About a month ago, the developers released news regarding a 4K resolution update to the title. Other added updates and features, including wheel support, HUD enhancements and added detail all around, were discussed following the Steam demo period during the Steam Next Fest.

Rush Rally 3 is the most realistic rally simulation on your mobile

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