首頁>遊戲>黑暗之血 -Beyond the darkness-
黑暗之血 -Beyond the darkness- 的影片截圖
黑暗之血 -Beyond the darkness- 遊戲截圖
黑暗之血 -Beyond the darkness- 遊戲截圖
黑暗之血 -Beyond the darkness- 遊戲截圖
黑暗之血 -Beyond the darkness- 遊戲截圖
黑暗之血 -Beyond the darkness- 遊戲截圖
黑暗之血 -Beyond the darkness- 遊戲截圖
黑暗之血 -Beyond the darkness- 遊戲截圖
黑暗之血 -Beyond the darkness- 遊戲截圖
黑暗之血 -Beyond the darkness- 遊戲截圖
黑暗之血 -Beyond the darkness- 遊戲截圖
黑暗之血 -Beyond the darkness- 遊戲截圖
黑暗之血 -Beyond the darkness-

黑暗之血 -Beyond the darkness-

更多继承了魔王不死血统的男人,独自一人被国王关进魔物盘踞的地下城。 地下城中不光有可怕的怪物,还有假装是友方的亡灵们、附带可怕陷阱的宝箱、大量不易察觉的机关等等,每一个选择都牵涉着生死。 在没有任何事物可以依赖的地下城中,你是否能够运用全部智慧生存下去呢? 【战斗系统】 通过搭配卡牌进行战斗!努力组合出强力卡牌使战斗朝有利方向发展吧! 【充满个性的怪物】 登场怪物超过200种。每种怪物都会发动充满个性的攻击,单凭蛮力是无法打倒所有怪物的,灵活运用道具和技能,努力穿越险境吧! 【丰富的装备道具】 装备和道具也超过200种。根据武器种类不同,能够发动的技能也有所不同,积极寻找适合自己的战斗方式吧。 【养成系统】 根据养成方法不同,你能够自由打造角色风格,成为以体力自豪的战士形、驱使魔法的法师形、赤手空拳身手敏捷的武术家形等等各种类型的角色! 【漂亮的点阵美术风格】 整个游戏的画面全部由点阵画大师银亲先生负责绘制。堪称艺术的点阵美术充分煽动着冒险之心! 【丰富的可玩要素】 武器、防具都可以进一步强化。好好享受丰富的可玩要素,努力变得更加强大吧! 收起


17 個評分



Hey, gamers! It’s Monday, 2023/05/22. We’re back with a highly-anticipated video where we’re going to rank the ultimate top 8 dungeon games of Week21 on TapTap. We’ve scoured through the best games of the week and compiled our list to give you a guide to the most amazing games you should definitely play. Kicking off at number 8, we have Swipeventures, a dungeon game that offers an incredible Gameplay experience that you just can't miss.

Top 8 dungeon Games of the Week on TapTap | Week21 2023

Charles Lai
Hey, gamers! It’s Monday, 2023/04/24. We’re back with a highly-anticipated video where we’re going to rank the ultimate top 8 dungeon games of Week17 on TapTap. We’ve scoured through the best games of the week and compiled our list to give you a guide to the most amazing games you should definitely play. Kicking off at number 8, we have Swipeventures, a dungeon game that offers an incredible Gameplay experience that you just can't miss.

Top 8 dungeon Games of the Week on TapTap | Week17 2023

Charles Lai
DarkBlood - Beyond the Darkness: First Impressions! Can You Survive this Stressful Dungeon Crawler?

DarkBlood - Beyond the Darkness: First Impressions! Can You Survive this Stressful Dungeon Crawler?

黑暗之血 -Beyond the darkness-
黑暗之血 -Beyond the darkness-
As a child of the ’90s who grew up on the NES and Super Nintendo—sorry, everyone, not a Sega kid here—I have this innate fondness for pixel graphics that I can’t seem to shake. Call it simple nostalgia if you must, but when a game has beautiful pixel art, I’m drawn to it. And sometimes those visuals can completely trump anything else about the game... Even the gameplay! DarkBlood: Beyond the Darkness

Too Beautiful to Not Play It - DarkBlood: Beyond the Darkness Review

DarkBlood -Beyond the Darkness - Hype Impressions/Is It Legit?

DarkBlood -Beyond the Darkness - Hype Impressions/Is It Legit?

[DarkBlood] First Impression [Android]

[DarkBlood] First Impression [Android]

Sora Synn
黑暗之血 -Beyond the darkness-
黑暗之血 -Beyond the darkness-
This game is undoubtedly a masterpiece in the corner. I've been a huge Dark Souls fan for a long time, and this game showed me a lot of the features it referred from Dark Souls. For example, the setting of "undead man", the form of various monsters, merchants, etc. What makes it different is that it is organized in the form of cards for combat and strategy. And the rules are very easy to understand, allowing me to explore more combat possibilities with my own understanding in the process of exploration.

Awesome Game

黑暗之血 -Beyond the darkness-
黑暗之血 -Beyond the darkness-
From the start, the game throws you in the deep end - Trekking along a long, dark, harrowing hallway. Very little of the game’s systems are explained, and there’s something rewarding about discovering one’s own understanding of how to play. At times, things can feel unfair, they can even feel downright grim and unforgiving - but players who approach DarkBlood with a sound strategy will always see results in the long run (even if you can’t help getting one-shot by giant spiders now and again).

DarkBlood is a game of fearless dungeoneering, perseverance… and a bit of luck.

黑暗之血 -Beyond the darkness-
黑暗之血 -Beyond the darkness-
This game reminds me of some old fashioned arcade games that all you need to do is to explore deep into the caves (or towers, castles sometimes). It's a bit more fun with rouge like elements, and it does reminds me of the other game I have tried here, which was "life in adventure" with a 5/5. This one however, lacks a bit of extra storylines and events that makes it a bit boring after playing it for couple hours. A good time killer, not bad.

4/5 Lite pixel rouge like game from the old days
