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十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember 遊戲截圖
十三月 - Undecember

十三月 - Undecember

LINE Games
更多✪ UNCHANGED-不變的遊戲核心價值 從有趣的世界觀,到透過戰鬥和收集道具成長 追求不變的遊戲核心價值,創造樂趣與感動 ✪ UNEXPECTED-超越期待的完全體RPG 在五彩繽紛的主題地圖上展開的冒險, 超越期待、令人驚喜的戰鬥體驗 ✪ UNLIMITED-無極限的技能組合 透過組合各式各樣的技能符文及連結符文 超越極限的建立技能樂趣 ✪ UNDEFINED-自由變更的戰鬥模式 不選擇職業 也能根據戰鬥模式享受成長或變化的樂趣 ✪ UNSTOPPABLE-無法抵擋的多采多姿內容 從突襲到公會戰場, 多樣內容挑戰你的極限 別錯過社群上《十三月》的消息喔! [BrandSite] 🔗links/ [FLOOR] 🔗links [Facebook] 🔗link [DIscord] 🔗link [YouTube] 🔗link


950 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • 🎮️ 遊戲玩法多樣,類似《流亡黯道》,有很多不同的建構可供選擇。
  • 🕹️️ 圖形效果出色,特別是高規格設備上,萬聖節活動也很有趣。
  • 💰️ 商店中的服裝和其他物品價格過高。



Players in South Korea Can Now Pre-register for UNDECEMBER

Players in South Korea Can Now Pre-register for UNDECEMBER

TapTap Editor
十三月 - Undecember
十三月 - Undecember
yeaars playing mobile phone i never bother giving comment or even rating em, but undecember just waaoow, playing ubt for only 3 days 😭 and left a deep mark, its really brings back the old classic. mobile games now is so predictable, easy, and automation making it only emulator afk~ers with deep pocket can win and enjoy it. i wish undecember keep true likes its ubt, the true rpg, games now days need to follow your things. i cant wait this one officially released. please end my misery for waitting this 🤣🙏
十三月 - Undecember
十三月 - Undecember
Undecember it is something that I will play it on final version of course . The game needs some polishing in some areas as well, nothing it is perfect and it will never be perfect and I am talking here about all the titles possible. UNDECEMBER ,  as a game type brings me back when I was playing Diablo...even so it might be much better then Diablo , I tested so many titles on all platforms that I might say that the beauty of this game it is something out of comon and the smoothness as well. The graphics brings a new way of looking at the mobile games from now on , but also it is recommended a well and strong device in order to play it and enjoy it as it is and as it supposed to be. The classes balance ⚖️ it is on point , love also how you can focus on different aspects on skill tree and how you can choose from allot of things how you will go , this means everyone can have a multitude of combat style and that it is something to look after . Down side...well there is no title without any down side or no title that it will be perfect , since we are talking about Korea...I found that many titles are hardly monetizing in a rush of P2W and not in a friendly way so if I am wrong I am wrong and I wish to be wrong on this chapter . Second thing when I talk about games it is about how they approach in language diversity...so this is something to look after every time when a game comes alive it needs this pack that in future will be ready a global impact. Note 8/10
Admiral Kin
this game is one of the best games i have played in years !! as an RPG i was addicted instantly.. i cannot wait for the real release of this game !!
💬Announcement of End of Undisembark Unboxing Test

💬Announcement of End of Undisembark Unboxing Test

Feedback Awesome game!!

Feedback Awesome game!!

十三月 - Undecember
十三月 - Undecember
While waiting for Diablo Immortal this is a pretty good ARPG alternative and here is my thoughts on the test. What I thought was Good - Ok so the sound design and world itself seems pretty well put together if not complete, the campaign tutorial and quests was fine for this test. The cut scenes are voiced, albeit Korean. The combat was okay. Skills and abilities are kinda OP but this is cool coz taking on mobs made me feel like a boss. Kinda easy. But then again this is only the first few levels so it's going to be challenging.


NO LANGUAGE PROBLEM!!! Hi everyone, if you have a Problem because of the Language, make a Screenshot from the Text in Game and translate the Screenshot with Googletrans Picture😉
十三月 - Undecember
十三月 - Undecember
Why people give this game 1 star? like wtf, this game is still beta test and not yet to officially released 😑. of course there is still some bug in there, but why don't just respect them and give some advice like in the calm way. by giving less stars during the beta test, it will make the official released bad value. (I think..)
Download Issue Fixed Notice

Download Issue Fixed Notice
