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Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale 遊戲截圖
Arena Survivors Battle Royale

Arena Survivors Battle Royale

Ubisoft Entertainment
更多加入最狂野的大逃殺!選擇求生者,在一張 40 名玩家的地圖上進行快節奏戰鬥!探索異國島嶼來取得能讓你更強大的資源,抵禦野生動物並且戰勝其他玩家! 歡迎參加「野性呼喚節」!一名億萬富翁犯罪狂人在他的私人島嶼上辦了一場藝文節,保證參加者會有改變一生的體驗。追尋刺激者從世界各地前來加入這場慶典——結果卻出乎他們想像!他們現在受困於這座孤島,被迫參加富翁暴力又瘋狂的遊戲——誰會是最後真正的求生者? 解鎖並升級獨特求生者 以各式各樣的獨特求生者遊玩,每一位都有自己的武器、能力與遊玩風格!集齊所有生存者,提升他們的技能等級來解鎖真正的潛力! 搜刮與強化裝備 在每一回對戰中搜索島嶼取得資源,升級你的武器與道具!強化你的裝備把敵人轟飛! 在野外環境求生 在這個狂野異國島嶼證明自己的能耐!島上充滿著祕密、野生動物與其他求生者!在惡劣環境中臨機應變,熬過對戰! 10 分鐘,40 名玩家 在這個英雄類大逃殺中,證明你在快節奏對戰的實力!對抗其他玩家並精通你選擇的求生者遊玩風格! 狂野多樣的遊戲模式 不斷增加的多樣遊戲模式任君挑選!在「單人模式」獨自體驗腎上腺素飆升的快感,或是與其他玩家組隊在「三人模式」中引領隊伍獲勝! 在「Wild 通行證」推展進度 達成各種任務來完成此戰鬥通行證,取得資源並解鎖當季的明星求生者! 主打特色 - 13 名擁有自身遊玩風格與角色背景的獨特求生者任君挑選! - 在各種遊戲模式與 40 名玩家對戰! - 升級你的求生者與其專精,體驗更強大的遊玩風格! - 在對戰期間強化你的武器與道具,變得更加強大! - ……還有更多內容! 關注我們 Discord: 🔗link Twitter: 🔗link Instagram: 🔗link 客戶服務: 🔗link 隱私權政策: 🔗link 服務條款: 🔗link


359 個評分



Can't wait until I get a good enough phone to play this it seems like a good game
SUPER FUN I EVEN MADE A VIDEO ON IT !!! #gameplat 👍 Pros: great optimization very smooth and also fun 👎 Cons: needs more battle royale ranked maps and a way to make gold through different challenges that are more difficult than normal ones 🦸 Character Diversity: each striker has a very cool power to do different things to affect you and your team.
Brutal Stipes
Arena Survivors Battle Royale
Arena Survivors Battle Royale
Great game as always
Arena Survivors Battle Royale
Arena Survivors Battle Royale
Arena Survivors Battle Royale
Arena Survivors Battle Royale
Good title and good gameplay mechanics its engaging once you start.probably would be better the characters have a main weapon to equip for their class.say a bow and then the secondary would be anything in the field.the loot based system is good and the animals are a blast.probably give it 5 stars if it werent for the loadout limits  but a good game nonetheless..a quick pick me up for those who want fast paced fun.
Arena Survivors Battle Royale
Arena Survivors Battle Royale
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Joker's Den
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TapTap Editor
Arena Survivors Battle Royale
Arena Survivors Battle Royale

Doesn't have any sense you need to release the button for shoot, i don't recommend this game.

Arena Survivors Battle Royale
Arena Survivors Battle Royale
The game is good has good graphics but The gameplay is bad series good to improve the method of shooting and attack to something more continuous and being able to move the camera on the plane would improve its immersion since you can not currently see where you can land, thanks for listening to my review I hope you improve the game with my tips

Wild Arena Review

trollmouz _legend'
Arena Survivors Battle Royale
Arena Survivors Battle Royale
Wild arena Survivors? Is it worth your time? definitely yes, but only if you are a battleroyale player, looking for an interesting game to play. It has an interesting twist to the battleroyale genre of games, i myself did not expect this kind of style when i first installed it. Points to consider: 1.Graphics graphics wise, it has good graphics, good artstyle i've seen, keep in mind it is ubisoft, so...

Wild arena Survivors? Is it worth your time?

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