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陰屍路: 全員出擊 - AFK RPG 遊戲截圖
陰屍路: 全員出擊 - AFK RPG 遊戲截圖
陰屍路: 全員出擊 - AFK RPG 遊戲截圖
陰屍路: 全員出擊 - AFK RPG 遊戲截圖
陰屍路: 全員出擊 - AFK RPG 遊戲截圖
陰屍路: 全員出擊 - AFK RPG 遊戲截圖
陰屍路: 全員出擊 - AFK RPG 遊戲截圖
陰屍路: 全員出擊 - AFK RPG 遊戲截圖
陰屍路: 全員出擊 - AFK RPG 遊戲截圖
陰屍路: 全員出擊 - AFK RPG 遊戲截圖
陰屍路: 全員出擊 - AFK RPG 遊戲截圖
陰屍路: 全員出擊 - AFK RPG 遊戲截圖
陰屍路: 全員出擊 - AFK RPG 遊戲截圖
陰屍路: 全員出擊 - AFK RPG 遊戲截圖
陰屍路: 全員出擊 - AFK RPG

陰屍路: 全員出擊 - AFK RPG

Com2uS Holdings Corporation
更多■2週年頂級活動支援!■ 史上最狂的全玩家暴風式成長機會來臨! 包括絕對性格角色在內,讓5名角色升至神話5星,並提供角色升級支援、裝備支援、裝備強化、裝備升階、個人裝備強化、生存技能升級等全方位支援!!! 立即登入,即刻享有超殺福利! --------------------------------------------------- 《陰屍路:全員出擊》 是由陰屍路漫畫官方授權製作,且為陰屍路首款放置型戰略角色扮演遊戲,你必須為自己的生存而戰,奮力在活屍氾濫的末日世界中生存。 『沒登入也能輕鬆玩』 全天候成長不間斷,登入即可領取海量資源! 即使您沒有開啟遊戲,團隊也會為您四處掠取資源! 再也不會因為時間而影響戰力,利用零碎時間即可盡情享受遊戲。 『陰屍路經典角色』 瑞克、米瓊恩、卡爾、尼根…等許多熟悉角色活躍在你手! 運用他們的特殊能力打造末日最強團隊! 原作角色齊聚一堂的收集型 RPG! 『深度戰略考驗智慧』 除了主線劇情遭遇的艱難苦戰,還有防禦戰、警戒線、補給作戰、聯合作戰等各種戰鬥系統等您挑戰,充滿戰略考量的隊伍搭配,必須找出最佳的角色技能及性格組合才能克敵制勝! 『末日世界生存體驗』 與覬覦定居地的敵人展開攻防戰,透過補給作戰 & 派遣任務籌措生存必需品! 盡情體驗陰屍路世界中刻不容緩的生存之戰。 • 支援多國語言 本遊戲支援한국어、English、日本語、简体中文、繁體中文、Deutsch、Français、Español、русский、tiếng Việt。 * 《陰屍路: 全員出擊》社群:twdallstars-community.com2us.com * 陰屍路: 全員出擊官方Discord:discord.gg/twdallstars * 陰屍路: 全員出擊官方品牌頁面 : 🔗link * Com2uS Holdings官網:🔗link * Com2uS Holdings客服中心:🔗link


8 個評分



New The Walking Dead: All-Stars Update

New The Walking Dead: All-Stars Update

Game Droid Daily
陰屍路: 全員出擊 - AFK RPG
陰屍路: 全員出擊 - AFK RPG
The walking dead all-stars takes the core gameplay of idle RPG games and throws a walking dead skin on it. For the heroes you will be summoning at the gacha for characters from the walking dead universe. All of your favorite good guys and bad guys are there. From rick grimes to Negan and the saviors. The gameplay is more strategic than most by giving the heroes way more skills than other idle RPG games typically have. Aside from the basic attacks and ultimate that needs to be charged, the characters also have additional passive skills and active skills that randomly trigger. Mixing and matching different heroes for synergy is loads of fun.

A Great Idle RPG Experience Walking Dead All-Stars....

陰屍路: 全員出擊 - AFK RPG
陰屍路: 全員出擊 - AFK RPG
I want to level up all the survivors every time I get a new one because it will help me to kill all the zombies immediately which will benefit some gifts and coins. This game is really fun so I suggested this to my friend since both of us love zombie games, and she got addicted to the game because she wants to know the ending of the story of this game. I’m glad I have discovered this game.

Level up the survivors to kill all the zombies and enemies

陰屍路: 全員出擊 - AFK RPG
陰屍路: 全員出擊 - AFK RPG
This game will literally be enjoyable to play! No kidding! I love zombie games like this one, the story is also interesting which is why it will make you continue playing this game because you will wonder what will happen in the next story. I keep on playing this game because I want to know what will happen next. I love the part where you can level up your people to make them much stronger.

When you're bored, play this fun survival campaign game.

陰屍路: 全員出擊 - AFK RPG
陰屍路: 全員出擊 - AFK RPG
I enjoy games that have a storyline like this one, I enjoyed reading the story so I keep playing this game to see what is coming next in this story. Having new survivors is also my favorite because it will give me more people to kill all the zombies and it will also help me to level up. This game is not boring, it is actually fun and exciting, the graphics are also amazing and looks realistic!

Must kill all the zombies so that I can save survivors!

陰屍路: 全員出擊 - AFK RPG
陰屍路: 全員出擊 - AFK RPG

I'm so happy I get to try this! I'm a TWD Fanatic! Too bad they ended their season

The Walking Dead: All-Stars First Impressions

The Walking Dead: All-Stars First Impressions
