Master of Knights 的影片截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
Master of Knights 遊戲截圖
更多邀你進入開始事前預約的新戰略世界。 超越戰略、超越RPG,RPG的大師《騎士大師》 操作簡單,但確實展現出戰略趣味的新一代戰略SRPG! ■ 簡單操作和強大戰略的樂趣 簡單操作也能進行豐富多彩的戰略戰鬥! 結合5名英雄和咒語卡的完美戰略組合! 仔細考慮陣型和技能,在回合制遊戲中構築完美的戰略吧。 ■ 新層次的戰略系統,咒語卡 別再玩只使用技能的遊戲了!蘊含戰略精髓的咒語卡 組合破壞、神聖、暗黑等各種屬性,戰略RPG的趣味性UP! 搭配自己專屬的英雄和咒語卡,戰略性地打倒敵軍! ■ 自動成長系統和強力的掃蕩功能,遊玩更輕鬆 為忙碌的你準備的放置模式!不登入也能變強的RPG 點擊即可完成!一擊結束的掃蕩系統! ■ 和美麗的英雄們一起創造的幻想故事 越看越著迷、越讀越讓人好奇的故事 還有和充滿魅力的英雄們一起創造的各種小插曲和支線故事! 和等待你指揮的英雄們一起成為戰勝考驗、征服天界的神吧! ■ 以戰略決勝負的競技場PVP及鬥獸場PVP模式 透過戰略一擊打倒掉以輕心的對手! 競技場和鬥獸場,兩種PVP模式 以最強的戰略成為PVP至尊吧! ■ 各種副本關卡,讓你絕不無聊 外傳故事模式、試煉之塔、每週副本等各種模式的副本玩法! 請在無窮無盡的樂趣中享受回合制SRPG遊戲的精髓


62 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • 🎮️ 遊戲提供創新的三重SRPG體驗,結合回合制與即時戰鬥,策略性十足。
  • 👾️ 擁有50種獨特英雄和精美插畫,玩家可以收集並提升英雄,享受PVP競技。
  • 😕️ 遊戲玩法缺乏創新,與市場上其他策略RPG遊戲相比,未能提供獨特的遊戲體驗。



Master of Knights
Master of Knights
Looks great but was not a fan of the gameplay. Moving characters feels clunky for such a small grid and i am not going to take the time to memorize each characters attack patterns. I was relieved when I unlocked auto. But I had lost interest by then. I even got ifrit
MASTER OF KNIGHTS - Tactics RPG Gameplay #1

MASTER OF KNIGHTS - Tactics RPG Gameplay #1

Take control of sexy anime knights in this gacha RPG

Take control of sexy anime knights in this gacha RPG

Master of Knights
Master of Knights
İts too old gameplay style , It's just not actual game to 2023 maybe 10 year's earlier it's good
Master of Knights - Tactics RPG: A VISUALLY STUNNING Anime Gacha Game

Master of Knights - Tactics RPG: A VISUALLY STUNNING Anime Gacha Game

Sora Synn
I Can't Put Down This Anime Chess Gacha RPG - Master of Knights is impressed actually!

I Can't Put Down This Anime Chess Gacha RPG - Master of Knights is impressed actually!

A New Waifu Gacha Game Is Here | Master Of Knights Global Launch!

A New Waifu Gacha Game Is Here | Master Of Knights Global Launch!

Chaotic Inc.
Master Of Knights: Tactics RPG Gameplay First Impressions

Master Of Knights: Tactics RPG Gameplay First Impressions

Chaotic Inc.
Waifus And Strategies Is Always A Good Time!

Waifus And Strategies Is Always A Good Time!

Chaotic Inc.
Master of Knights
Master of Knights
Luckily I wasn't specting much of this game. It's basically an afk game but sadly they didn't make it work that way. I guess to try to stand out they decided to go with a grid like strategic game however it fell short. Because the characters can only move one block at a time mostly and instead of being strategic it forces you to hold your ground in the back because the characters cannot attack behind. They cannot turn around either and the enemies you guessed it love to go behind you. There are bonuses and harms at times but they don't give a good enough reason to hold them or dodge them. Also there's a card game mechanic but again they are insanely weak or short in the effect... Basically they are only a gimmick that you just spam whenever you have one. The bosses don't feel like bosses, they are only large enemies... There's one mode that it's called a tower there the game changes into autochess like game and it's great because there you can aprreciate larger enemies or bosses the whole game should've been that! But sadly its just an extra. The characters have good designs and they move a little however in game they are chibi... There's also an auto farm thing in the many for afk rewards. Not really super free to play friendly however something that's actually cool is that you can chose a high star character and you can get it for free if you log in daily for 14 days, not sure if that repeatable but that's good. As any of the afk games you have to focus on leveling up characters and then hit the auto function in game because the movement is clunky sometimes you want to strike the enemy in front of you but for some reason your character moves leaving it in a bad position. Overall not a good game, I guess this one would be for afk game lovers and if you like how the characters look, other than that I really don't see it.