首頁>遊戲>Company of Heroes 3
Company of Heroes 3 的影片截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
Company of Heroes 3 遊戲截圖
更多剛剛更新 數位豪華版 為真正的策略遊戲狂熱粉絲量身打造。數位豪華版為《英雄連隊3》帶來了最完整的體驗。 內容包含: 《英雄連隊3》 魔鬼旅DLC包 豪華DLC包 資料片#1 [2023上市] 高級美國總部外觀[傳奇] 高級勝利點外觀[傳奇] 高級美國M4「謝爾曼」外觀[傳奇] Join our Discord Server 關於此遊戲 《Company of Heroes 3》已推出!比前作更龐大、更精緻的《Company of Heroes 3》,結合了本系列備受讚譽的動作、戰術和策略,帶給全球數百萬粉絲。沉浸在兩個史詩戰役、四個獨特的多人遊戲和合作陣營,以及從北非無垠沙漠到義大利連綿山丘,令人嘆為觀止的新戰場。藉由完全戰術暫停和我們的動態戰役地圖等新功能加入戰鬥,讓您完全控制戰場。遊戲總覽 傳奇策略遊戲系列,強勢回歸!《英雄連隊3》是一款結合動作、戰術和策略思考的終極代表作。扮演將軍下達關鍵命令,在熱血實戰中指揮整場戰役,殺出重圍。 派遣全新與原有的陣營、單位和國際作戰部隊,殺得對手措手不及。體驗全新的動態戰役地圖,統領陸海空三軍並建立後勤供應線,擊潰敵軍!每場遊戲都將為你帶來獨一無二的經驗!進入多人對戰衝鋒陷陣之前,不妨先按照自己的步調摸熟各種戰役和單一對戰。使用由 Relic 自製開發的 Essence Engine,探索地中海戰區不為人知的精采故事,以及新一代的可破壞遊戲環境。 榮獲獎項肯定的戰術遊戲玩法 《英雄連隊3》帶來全新氣象、大受好評的戰術遊戲體驗。大受歡迎的戰鬥技巧與貼近真實的全新玩法結合,將帶玩家感受層次感豐富的戰術遊戲體驗。 利用大膽的包抄行動,摸清敵軍的實力。發動全新的步兵攻堅行動,在敵方駐營地搶先擊垮敵軍。還可使用高地地形,增加你的視野並取得上風優勢。 榮獲獎項肯定的戰術遊戲玩法 《英雄連隊3》帶來全新氣象、大受好評的戰術遊戲體驗。大受歡迎的戰鬥技巧與貼近真實的全新玩法結合,將帶玩家感受層次感豐富的戰術遊戲體驗。​ 利用大膽的包抄行動,摸清敵軍的實力。發動全新的步兵攻堅行動,在敵方駐營地搶先擊垮敵軍。還可使用高地地形,增加你的視野並取得上風優勢。 全新驚艷戰區 歡迎來到地中海:一個充滿驚奇與未知的全新戰區與殘暴的敵軍在連綿不絕的義大利山區、美麗懾人的沿岸地區,以及廣闊無邊的北非沙漠進行會戰。華麗的視覺效果和逼真多樣化的遊戲環境,讓你身歷其境、隨時保持警惕。​ 山區地圖將需要與沿岸城鎮不同的戰略,它的垂直位置將會大大影響單位的視線能力(真實視野)。沙漠平原則需要謹慎進行偵察、大膽調動兵力。站上這個全新的作戰前線,利用智慧和對地形的掌握,一舉擊潰敵軍,取得大勝。 全新層級的戰略 體驗遊戲系列史上最大型的單人遊玩戰役。全新的動態戰役地圖將帶來完整的沙盒式玩法,讓玩家能夠對全部戰役下達命令,並完全掌控戰術的選擇。​ 部屬後方防禦前,先建立足夠的後勤供應鏈,鞏固你的優勢。進行空中和海上突襲來削弱分散敵軍軍隊,或者解放一個鄰近城鎮,將其轉化為游擊隊據點。選擇你的軍隊並升級沙場老手,讓你的玩法風格更為突出。另外,玩家可選擇使用完全戰術暫停功能,在單一玩家模式時可以全面掌控步調。策劃你的進攻,輕鬆累積致命一擊的玩法,讓你在戰場上擁有無人能敵的優勢。 多樣化的陣營和單位 自從系列推出以來,許多粉絲一路支持相挺。《英雄連隊3》承諾,即使是骨灰級的世界二次大戰迷,一定都會喜歡這款遊戲。​ 全新的自訂軍隊機制可以召集不同類型的專家單位。來自聯邦、備受尊崇的廓爾喀人,以及美加特種部隊等更多的全新菁英突襲隊,已準備好迎戰。​ 從毀滅級的坦克摧毀者到秘密偵察車隊,《英雄連隊3》擁有遊戲系列中數量最多的單位陣容。光速般移動的鼬鼠式裝甲車、重裝狙擊的犀牛式驅逐戰車、還有輕薄坦克查非,這些只是初登場陣容的冰山一角。我們也別忘了改頭換面、重新登場的M3半履帶救濟車,現在可以用來維修和偷取敵軍的廢棄車輛! 劇場級的動作特效 感受 Relic 最先進的 Essence Engine 帶來的極緻饗宴。每個迫擊砲砲擊和海上轟炸,都將帶給你身歷其境的臨場感受。《英雄連隊3》裡每個地點都是完全可毀滅的沙盒,這代表你和敵軍將有無限種戰術玩法。​ 拆毀敵軍領土上的強化建築,同時利用動態護蓋,讓士兵用強化摧毀機制消滅新建建築。全新進化的 FX 特效渲染與顆粒技術,讓你在螢幕上看到栩栩如生的火焰、沙礫和煙霧。結合高階 AI 呈現全新士兵動畫特效,真實呈現戰場實況。為 DirectX 12 和多核心處理器特別設計,Relic 新的遊戲引擎將帶給你媲美好萊塢級大片的劇場級體驗!


8 個評分



Men of War II storms the beaches of Normandy with a blend of RTS and action gameplay

Men of War II storms the beaches of Normandy with a blend of RTS and action gameplay

Ian Boudreau
Hey, gamers! It’s Saturday, 2023/05/20. We’re back with a highly-anticipated video where we’re going to rank the ultimate top 7 war games of Week20 on TapTap. We’ve scoured through the best games of the week and compiled our list to give you a guide to the most amazing games you should definitely play. Kicking off at number 7, we have Company of Heroes 3 (PC), a war game that offers an incredible Gameplay experience that you just can't miss.

Top 7 war Games of the Week on TapTap | Week20 2023

Charles Lai
Company of Heroes 3
Company of Heroes 3
Play COH 2 instead
One of the best WW2 RTS series is back | First Impressions - Company of Heroes 3

One of the best WW2 RTS series is back | First Impressions - Company of Heroes 3

Is it worth playing Company of Heroes 3?

Is it worth playing Company of Heroes 3?

Company of Heroes 3
Company of Heroes 3
The fans of the Company of Heroes series had to wait a good couple of years to see the complete trilogy. For those more knowledgeable in the matter, it is said that the first title of this series is one of the most important experiences in terms of the Real Time Strategy genre and who, in a way, began to shape it. Not having any continuation in terms of storyline, this for me was the first experience in its battlefield, that has an extensive campaign mode, in two very different places. The battlefield in North Africa and beautiful Italy.

Company of Heroes 3 a super immersive RTS experience

Company of Heroes 3's Italy campaign needs more than better AI

Company of Heroes 3's Italy campaign needs more than better AI

Ian Boudreau
Company of Heroes 3
Company of Heroes 3
Company of Heroes 3 is a WW2 real-time strategy game developed by Relic Entertainment and published by SEGA, and continues the critically acclaimed Company of Heroes series of games. 🟩Pros +Immersive RTS experience +Deep tactical gameplay +Decent graphics 🟥Cons -High price for what it brings -UI and camera work needs polishing -Buggy game overall Company of Heroes 3 sets players in the midst of World War II as they take command of their armies and engage in tactical battles against player and/or AI controlled enemies. While the game's multiplayer and skirmish modes are a major draw for many players, the single-player experience is equally engaging and worth playing.

Still a good WW2 RTS, but an upsetting sequel | Full Review - Company of Heroes 3

Company of Heroes 3
Company of Heroes 3
PLAY IT OR SKIP IT? Play it if you like real-time strategy games at all. Company of Heroes 3 is a well-designed and polished real-time strategy title that offers an enjoyable experience and a deeper look into the battles of Italy and North Africa during World War II. TIME PLAYED I played Company of Heroes 3 for four hours. The tutorial had me hooked for thirty minutes, while the prologue took me an hour to beat, with subsequent missions lasting anywhere between twenty minutes to an hour. In total, I made it through about seven missions.

This well-made WWII strategy game won the war for my approval - Company of Heroes 3 Quick Review

Jay Hunter
Just interested in action