Lords and Tactics 遊戲截圖
Lords and Tactics 遊戲截圖
Lords and Tactics 遊戲截圖
Lords and Tactics 遊戲截圖
Lords and Tactics 遊戲截圖
Lords and Tactics 遊戲截圖
Lords and Tactics 遊戲截圖
Lords and Tactics 遊戲截圖
Lords and Tactics 遊戲截圖
Lords and Tactics 遊戲截圖
更多游戏名:權與謀 全地圖總計165座城池,以真實地理關係還原三國氛圍 奪取城池可獲得資源加成,城池即金庫;城池外資源點和野怪點都以沙盤形式存在 還原古代的前、中、後三軍對戰,分別需配置騎兵、步兵、弓弩兵進行對決 戰鬥過程為雙方部隊靠近,前中後軍隊每回合按順序出手進攻,全滅對手的一方獲勝 上手速度快、用戶認知度較高的角色培養路徑,不需要額外的教育成本 每一名角色均有獨特技能,每項技能均來自於三國歷史 玩家追求的、熱門的各類武器、名駒、寶物等真實還原呈現,自由指定武將裝備


5 個評分



Lords and Tactics
Lords and Tactics
The game requires a lot of patience since there will be upgrades that will require time. Otherwise, if you're rich everything will be easy peasy. If you're interested in the Chinese Dynasty warriors, this may be the game for you. Alongside, the game has a Gacha system where there are heroes you can get along the way. If you're lucky enough, you can get an epic or better.

Pay-to-win game: This will require a lot of patience.

Dark Horse
Lords and Tactics
Lords and Tactics
These kinds of games shout strategy. You have to think about your every move in order to get stronger. I like the concept of the game, building an army from scratch in medieval or olden times. What I like about the game is that in the battle phase, you have to set your army's positioning. Melee troops in front, and archers in the back, like how you commanded troops in the real war in the olden times.

Build Your Army; Create a Legacy

The Lorax
Lords and Tactics
Lords and Tactics
Lords and Tactics is a Three Kingdoms-themed management-style game that kept me invested with its cool graphics, intricate system, and voice acting. There are a ton of these games, and gameplay-wise it's really no different than other strategy management games I've played, but you know me! I love Three kingdoms. Collecting my homies Zhao Yun, Xiao Dun (yeah, I know he's team Wei, and I'm a Shu guy, but I always admired the eye patch), and Guan Yu was awesome.
Lords and Tactics
Lords and Tactics
If you like the Three Kingdoms theme and management games can choose to download and try! This game gives me a moderate feeling, there are too many of these games, but what surprised me was that the battle scenes reminded me of a game I really liked as a child
Lords and Tactics
Lords and Tactics
To be honest, this game has surprised me. I originally thought the voice acting in the game was in Chinese, but you can actually select four languages in the settings and the subtitles and voice acting will change.
Lords and Tactics Official Trailer

Lords and Tactics Official Trailer
