Age of Wonders 4 的影片截圖
Age of Wonders 4 遊戲截圖
Age of Wonders 4 遊戲截圖
Age of Wonders 4 遊戲截圖
Age of Wonders 4 遊戲截圖
Age of Wonders 4 遊戲截圖
Age of Wonders 4 遊戲截圖
Age of Wonders 4 遊戲截圖
Age of Wonders 4 遊戲截圖
Age of Wonders 4 遊戲截圖
Age of Wonders 4 遊戲截圖
Age of Wonders 4 遊戲截圖
Age of Wonders 4 遊戲截圖
Age of Wonders 4 遊戲截圖
Age of Wonders 4 遊戲截圖
Age of Wonders 4 遊戲截圖
Age of Wonders 4 遊戲截圖
Age of Wonders 4 遊戲截圖
Age of Wonders 4 遊戲截圖
Age of Wonders 4 遊戲截圖
更多Get your Premium Edition today! 精選 DLC🔗link 關於此遊戲 在《Age of Wonders 4》中統治自己設計的奇幻國度!在《Age of Wonders》融合 4 倍策略與回合制的標誌性戰鬥中,探索全新的奇幻國度。控制能夠持續發展與變化的陣營,一輪接著一輪拓展帝國。 Triumph Studios 屢獲殊榮的策略系列作品進入了新的時代,將遊戲代表性的帝國建築、角色扮演與戰事進行改革,提升至嶄新層次。全新的敘事事件系統與龐大的可自訂帝國提供無窮無盡的重玩體驗,每場遊戲都會在您不斷擴增的傳奇中增添新的篇章。 強大的 Wizard Kings 回歸凡界作為神明支配人類。收集魔法書並精熟魔法來讓人民強化,為即將改寫時代的壯闊戰鬥做好準備。 打造狂野幻想的帝國 結合肉軀、社會屬性與奧術之力,打造您的僕從。從半身食人族到神秘月精靈,任何生物皆可打造,或重現您最愛的奇幻部族 尋找強大的魔法書來對軍隊施法並強化人民!看著您的人民在面對敵人時出現外型變化,變成天使或混沌後裔。透過殘暴的統治、欺騙盟友或極致的奧術知識來尋求榮耀,讓您的治理之道舉世聞名! 策略與角色扮演從未有過的結合 每個選擇都會開啟新的可能性與戰略優勢;深奧、多層次的策略讓您每輪都能嘗試新戰略或探索新力量 戰術回合制戰鬥帶來逼真的軍隊,在由您的決定塑造出的環境中展現他們的力量。從徘徊怪物的小規模衝突到雙方眾多單位的廣大圍攻戰鬥,具備額外的道德系統與更多功能,每場戰鬥都能帶來嶄新的挑戰 種類眾多的帝國、單位與環境,讓遊戲可無限重玩。《Age of Wonders》比歷代帶來更齊全的模組功能與開放式功能 在廣闊的反應世界留下您的蹤跡 在每場遊戲中探索新的國度,或自己建立國度!挑戰新的地點特色變化組合,例如冰后統治的冰凍荒地以及巨龍徘徊的荒蕪之地 新事件系統為 4 倍遊戲帶來意想不到的敘事水準。看見您做出的決定塑造周遭世界,例如發展中的城市與徘徊的軍隊,以及天翻地覆的魔法效果 帶領帝國興盛,不過故事不會因您勝利或落敗而結束!將您的統治者晉升成遊戲中的神仙,並解鎖能夠進一步自訂體驗的方法。讓自創的造物在後續遊戲中成為潛在的對手或盟友,體驗自己專屬故事中的下一個篇章!


5 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • 🎮️ 遊戲提供深度的自訂選項,包括自訂陣營和地圖,提供豐富的角色扮演體驗.
  • 🧙‍♂️️ 魔法系統獨特,選擇研究的魔法書對戰鬥和整個陣營的變化有重要影響.
  • 😕️ 戰鬥準備不足,特別是在戰術戰鬥中,無法按照自己的方式配置部隊.



The best strategy games for PC

The best strategy games for PC

Zaman Muhammad
Age of Wonders 4
Age of Wonders 4
“Strategy” is a deceptively broad category in games, but one of the most enduring formats within it is 4X games. These games are built around the four “Xs” in the name: Explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate. Sid Meier’s Civilization series is perhaps the most popular and enduring example of 4X for the past thirty years, but there are plenty of other options to check out if you feel the siren call of “one more turn” in your heart.

The best 4X games in 2024

Ian Boudreau


Hesam Hajizadeh
high graphic

high graphic

Hoàng Việt
TapTap’s favorite games of April 2023

TapTap’s favorite games of April 2023

TapTap Editor
Age of Wonders 4
Age of Wonders 4
I've come across a bunch of awesome looking PC games recently, mostly new releases. If any of you have any favorite games, be sure to drop me a message.

HIDDEN GEM Hunt (PC) - series 2

Age of Wonders 4
Age of Wonders 4
Age of Wonders 4 (Reviewed) Developer: TriumphStudios Publisher: PdxInteractive Released: May 2th, 2023 Price: $50 USD Age of Wondoers 4 when it comes to the tactical-RPG 4k strategy genre, is a colorful breath of fresh air. If you liked games like WarHammer or Civ V but couldn't get into the visual component of them for whatever reason, this game may be great for you! It's essentially the finest of both worlds combined into one.

AoW4 does a great job at including their casual audience.

Age of Wonders 4
Age of Wonders 4
In Age of Wonders 4, players take on the role of a leader of an extremely customizable faction in the game and strive to conquer the land in various ways, participate in diplomacy, combat, research, and empire management gameplay to create a deeply immersive and strategic gameplay. Players will be able to customize their armies, heroes, and cities, as well as explore a vast and dynamic world filled with hidden treasures and powerful artifacts.

An immersive, customizable, and strategic 4X role-playing game | Full Review - Age of Wonders 4

A deeply fantasy strategy experience | First Impressions - Age of Wonders 4

A deeply fantasy strategy experience | First Impressions - Age of Wonders 4

Age of Wonders 4
Age of Wonders 4
PLAY IT OR SKIP IT? Play it, because Age of Wonders 4 is an early contender for this year’s best strategy game. There’s plenty of depth to the combat and exploration in this fantasy 4X game, but the elegance and beauty of its presentation prevent it from ever being overwhelming, even for newcomers. Not only are there countless worlds to conquer with the expected lineup of fantasy factions, Age of Wonders 4

Fantasy strategy evolved - Age of Wonders 4 Quick Review

Ian Boudreau