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The Doomsland: Survivors 遊戲截圖
The Doomsland: Survivors 遊戲截圖
The Doomsland: Survivors 遊戲截圖
The Doomsland: Survivors 遊戲截圖
The Doomsland: Survivors 遊戲截圖
The Doomsland: Survivors 遊戲截圖
The Doomsland: Survivors 遊戲截圖
The Doomsland: Survivors 遊戲截圖
The Doomsland: Survivors 遊戲截圖
The Doomsland: Survivors 遊戲截圖
The Doomsland: Survivors 遊戲截圖
The Doomsland: Survivors

The Doomsland: Survivors

Mybo (Media) Co., Ltd.
更多末日之地:倖存者更新日誌 世界陷入危機,我們的城市被無數遊蕩的殭屍佔領!用武器和強大的技能武裝自己,向他們展示你的實力! 探索地圖收集資源,危險與機遇並存,開啟驚心動魄的冒險之旅! 操作簡單,體驗流暢 單手操作,靈活穿梭於怪物之間,在危險機關中翻來覆去,靈活的動作和精細的策略缺一不可,驚險刺激並存! 出色的手感,帶來最舒適的拍攝體驗! 多種技能,玩你的遊戲 電擊、火焰、雙持、隨機射擊,多維度可選特殊天賦技能無限組合,每通關一次,都會獲得全新的遊戲體驗。 華麗的特效和獨特的技能設計帶來全新震撼的感官體驗。 海量槍械,令人瘋狂的洶湧火力 強大的手榴彈、射速驚人的衝鋒槍以及射程令人難以置信的火焰噴射器將有助於提供安全感。 收集物資,升級你的裝備,並完善你的武器庫。 使用你可以使用的武器讓這些怪物嚐嚐你的力量! 神秘場景,開啟新冒險 滿是殭屍的街道,充滿奇異生物的研究室,隨機的地圖讓冒險充滿變數,各種精美恐怖細緻的地圖等待你的探索! 生存下來,面對這個突變體的威脅! 怪物正在四處遊蕩。 城市的每一個陰影中都潛藏著危險。 有些甚至變異成了可怕的生物。 嘴里布滿鋒利牙齒的植物從藤蔓中長出,向空氣中釋放致命的毒素。 每一個敵人都是致命的威脅! 面對潮水般的敵人,用盡全力在末日中生存,你是最後的希望! 冒險繼續! 世界需要英雄


15 個評分



The game is not bad but it's stingy with the rewards, which means you're going to have to grind. Best picks: S+: Smart S: Penetrating Shot, Wall Bounce, Continuous Shot. A: Forward Bullets, Attack Speed against Full Health enemies, Extra Damage against Full Health enemies, Enemy Bounce B: Attack Speed, Critical Chance, Diagonal Bullets, Electric Shot, Extra Damage against low health enemies.

Fairly decent survivor with a tinge of P2W.

Leandro Novaes
The Doomsland: Survivors
The Doomsland: Survivors
If I have to describe the gane in one word, it's Archero with Zombie reskin. Just like most games in the market right now, it brought nothing new to the table. It's very similar to Archero, from the game mechanics down to the sound effect. Unfortunately, I didn't play enough to notice the differences between this game and other 'roguelite' in the market. But I assume you're not missing out on much if you choose to play other roguelite, unless post-apocalypse zombie aesthetic is your schtick, then give it a try.

Archero but Zombies

The Doomsland: Survivors Gameplay Impressions [iOS]

The Doomsland: Survivors Gameplay Impressions [iOS]

Chaotic Inc.
The Doomsland: Survivors
The Doomsland: Survivors
We're going to be taking a look at a new mobile game called The Doomsland Survivors. The world is engulfed in crisis, and our cities are occupied by countless wandering zombies! Explore the map and collect resources and power ups with a Roguelike fashion. The game starts with you waking up in a post-apocalyptic world. You're the only survivor of a zombie outbreak, and you'll need to use your skills and cunning to survive. Doomsland is an isometric top down zombie shooter that has Roguelike elements built into the game. The game is round based from 1 to level 30 with each round increasingly harder and every 10 rounds there's a boss of that level. The play style of Doomsland is interesting so you move around and every time you character is standing still they're allowed to attack which will be a test how fast you can move and maneuver through the chaotic waves of variant zombies and special zombies.

Roguelike Meets Zombies?

Chaotic Inc.
The Doomsland: Survivors
The Doomsland: Survivors
Another week, another mobile take on the Vampire Survivors phenomenon (or Archero if you prefer that point of comparison. The Doomsland: Survivors is an auto-aim, auto-shoot action game where you play as a survivor in the midst of a brutal zombie apocalypse. You must traverse various environments and fight waves of zombified humans, animals, and plants to survive. The game opens with a really cool comic book-style cutscene (see the screenshot above), and it kind of made me wish there was more story. In the hours I've played since, however, there hasn't been a single drop of plot, sadly.

Another compelling twist on the Vampire Survivors formula...this time, with zombies!

The Doomsland Survivors Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (ios, Android)

The Doomsland Survivors Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (ios, Android)

The Doomsland: Survivors
The Doomsland: Survivors
The Doomsland: Survivors is a top down zombie shooter with rogue-lite elements. 🟩Pros +A challenging rogue-lite experience +Interesting combat and random power-ups to select 🟥Cons -Very hard difficulty even from the start -Heavy reliance on microtransactions and ads It seems that the movement-centric rogue-lite genre is getting a lot of love recently as we have another game in our hands, with the same gameplay concept like the other games I’ve recently reviewed like

Fight through hordes of zombies, one room at a time | Full Review - The Doomsland: Survivors

My bullet swarm vs the zombie swarm | First Impressions - The Doomsland: Survivors

My bullet swarm vs the zombie swarm | First Impressions - The Doomsland: Survivors

The Doomsland: Survivors
The Doomsland: Survivors
The game is actually fun to play, it was very exciting especially when you kill the zombies~ My favorite part here is when I level up and it gives me skills and equipment for me to kill the zombies. I suggested this game to my husband since he loves to play zombie games like this one. He actually liked it and until now he keeps on playing it, he gets addicted to the game!!

I'm glad I found this super exciting zombie game sooner!

The Doomsland: Survivors
The Doomsland: Survivors
This is just like one of the games that I played before but more intense! It's easy to understand the instructions. I really enjoyed playing it, especially when reaching farther in the game. I didn't experience any problems with it. I thought there would be lagging on my phone since I'm still using an old version and the game file is too big.

My heart is racing! This game just activated my adrenaline rush.

Devil Blade