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War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile 遊戲截圖
War Thunder Mobile

War Thunder Mobile

Gaijin Distribution KFT
更多在這款全新 PvP 大型多人線上戰鬥遊戲中,駕駛傳說級的軍用載具出擊!海陸空三軍的載具同時在戰場上拚殺,堪比真實的戰鬥。《War Thunder:Mobile》的所有戰艦、戰車與戰機無論是外觀還是功能,都比照現實世界的標準,遊戲節奏緊湊且刺激熱血,玩家輕鬆就能操控勁爆且酷炫的戰爭機器。 駕駛源自蘇聯、德國、法國、日本與美國的數十款歷史史實軍用載具(日後還會推出更多國家)。累積遊戲進度,解鎖更優質的配備,最佳化您的彈藥類型,並自由配置裝備提高您在戰場上的勝算。 選擇您最喜歡的載具,並測試各種不同載具的組合搭配,找到最適合您的遊戲玩法。目前總共有超過 100 種地面載具、戰艦及戰機可供選擇,日後還會陸續推出更多符合史實的傳奇級軍用載具。你有許多選項能夠自訂戰車與飛機,以現代化的方式根據自己的風格喜好進行設定。 獨自一人爭霸戰場,或是與好友組成隊伍通力合作! 遊戲功能 每場戰鬥都獨一無二,玩家不只要仰仗自己的軍火,還需要呼叫空中支援與火砲攻擊,或是利用煙霧彈的掩護躲藏。 各式各樣的地圖:戰鬥將在最多元且充滿變化的戰場上展開,這些戰場代表著 20 世紀的主要戰場。 令人震撼的高畫質,以及逼真無比的物理傷害模組。這款遊戲針對所有裝置經過最佳化,享受各大戰場令人目不轉睛的環境,細節生動的戰車模組,以及震撼力十足、能夠把砲塔噴飛到空中的爆炸。手動調整畫質設定可協助您在視覺效果及幀率兩者之間取得平衡。 只有在《War Thunder:Mobile》這款免費線上多人手機遊戲中,您才能享受到最真實也最舒適的軍事載具遊戲體驗。動作快,立刻下載遊戲並奔赴戰場吧!


454 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • 👍️ 遊戲的獎勵系統比PC版更好,升級系統也更優。
  • 🎮️ 遊戲玩法有趣,控制簡單易上手,畫面精美。
  • 👎️ 遊戲不平衡,有時候付費玩家也無法獲得優勢。



War Thunder Mobile
War Thunder Mobile
Éo biết game tối ưu kiểu gì mà mỗi lần vô đều bắt cập nhật bản mới mà chả thấy bản cập nhật mới nào cả. Ko thể vô game lẫn chơi game. Nhà phát triển nên xem xét lại việc tung ra các bản cập nhật và thông báo của game
Tuan kiet Nguyen

War thunder mobile T-34 Platoon gameplay.... please subscribe to my youtube channel...

War Thunder Mobile
War Thunder Mobile


War Thunder Mobile
War Thunder Mobile
Pretty game tbh
Soviet Union
War Thunder Mobile
War Thunder Mobile
Обновите игру, на офицеальных серверах обновление вышло а у вас все нету.
War Thunder Mobile
War Thunder Mobile
Game is update bro why it just say play?
MeKongCare media
War Thunder Mobile
War Thunder Mobile
Sinceramente, tentaram fazer uma espécie de "War thunder Blitz" que não desce tão bem. Os gráficos são bonitos, a gameplay é boa, porém, os sistemas do jogo como a árvore de desenvolvimento dos tanques é bem desanimadora, pelotões pré feitos e poucas escolhas, até a dos navios recebe mais conteúdo, sem falar nos aviões, ou melhor, na falta deles, não dá de escolher os aviões pra usar nas partidas, é um aleatório referente ao "br" que está, só são 30 segundos de vôo fazendo o avião ser rebaixado a ter a mesma função que um drone, a campanha de aviões até agr é só uma promessa. Tenho fé ainda, o jogo está só no começo, tem muito tempo pra repensar essas coisas.
Ciro Junior
War Thunder Mobile
War Thunder Mobile
Is this game serious? I played over 1000 matches now as an average player at tier IX, and I know there's a match making System , which means sometimes you win strangely easily and sometimes it's very hard, but it makes no sense I had enough of it, it's so visible now. Last Time I shot the enemy on a random point and it blew up, yeah I could say it's ok because I gain points and win, but then the next time I get the other side of the tide, and I know they will one shot me almost every time. What does it mean that an enemy from the side doesn't get killed with 3 shots but he makes me dead, almost with bullets? Tricky explanation right? It makes me annoyed because it drops my winrate, and if i'm even the 1st almost every match, I lose because of this stupid balancing thing, so I rather not play that day when it turns the pole against me.
Charlie Firpo
War Thunder Mobile
War Thunder Mobile
The game is really exciting, seriously
A Sep
War Thunder Mobile
War Thunder Mobile
🎮 Gameplay: : Very Hard and I like it 👍 Pros: If you're having a hard time playing the game, then so are the enemy team. When the game gets you frustrated at the time, then it means the game is good, so let us get good. 👎 Cons: The God Forsaken FPS, I mean my midrange phone is capable of running from 60 up to 120hz frame rate but the game is stable to 35-40 and worst of all, I am clashing at 10 to 15FPS with others makes my head wanna go full seizure at that moment. It needs to be fully optimize. And that's it, that's the only problem I can see so far.