Kill The Crows 遊戲截圖
Kill The Crows 遊戲截圖
Kill The Crows 遊戲截圖
Kill The Crows 遊戲截圖
Kill The Crows 遊戲截圖
Kill The Crows 遊戲截圖
Kill The Crows 遊戲截圖
Kill The Crows 遊戲截圖
Kill The Crows 遊戲截圖
Kill The Crows 遊戲截圖
Kill The Crows 遊戲截圖
Kill The Crows 遊戲截圖
Kill The Crows 遊戲截圖
Kill The Crows 遊戲截圖
Kill The Crows 遊戲截圖
Kill The Crows 遊戲截圖
Kill The Crows 遊戲截圖
Kill The Crows 遊戲截圖
Kill The Crows 遊戲截圖
Kill The Crows 遊戲截圖
Kill The Crows 遊戲截圖
Kill The Crows 遊戲截圖
Kill The Crows 遊戲截圖
Kill The Crows 遊戲截圖
Kill The Crows 遊戲截圖
Kill The Crows 遊戲截圖
更多WISHLIST LATEST GAME FROM 5minlab🔗link 🔗link 關於此遊戲 Kill The Crows是一款快節奏的俯視競技場射擊遊戲。以扭曲的西部時代為背景,敘述一名滿腔復仇怒火的槍手,抱著不惜一死的覺悟來到廢墟小鎮的故事。運用經典左輪手槍及速射技術,為每擊必殺的槍戰做好準備。失誤將導致必死無疑的下場。 快速而猛烈的西部時代槍戰 玩家使用左輪手槍及特殊能力「終極技」展開槍戰。 玩家、敵人,甚至是BOSS,皆會被一發子彈擊倒。必須利用既有的武器及環境,盡可能擊倒更多的敵人。 透過射擊來準備終極技,並透過終極技重新裝彈。維持戰鬥的流暢性是致勝關鍵。設計各顯魅力的狂信徒團體 共12種包含BOSS在內的狂信徒敵人,皆具有個性十足的設計。 躲避射擊手的精準射擊,並透過翻滾來搶攻防禦者的後方。所有敵人皆有各自不同的攻擊模式和應對策略。 每個角色皆有其獨特的美麗像素藝術動畫。小心別被炸彈客的華麗動作所迷惑而陷入爆炸之中!經驗擴展任務及裝備要素 完成任務來解鎖新裝備。 結合各種類型的左輪手槍、終極技、被動技能,來完成屬於自己的組合。 隨著時間的進展,將會出現更難對付的敵人及BOSS。必須配置新武器以長期應戰。槍手伊莎貝爾與廢墟小鎮的故事 為什麼這個曾經美麗的小鎮會變成廢墟?這些烏鴉樣貌的傢伙究竟是誰?槍手又為何要冒著生命危險展開這場屠殺呢? 進行遊戲的過程中,將能逐步了解伊莎貝爾的故事。


5 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • 🎮️ 遊戲的畫面風格和快節奏的遊戲玩法得到了玩家的讚賞.
  • 🔫️ 遊戲的槍戰體驗和進度達成方式給玩家留下了深刻的印象.
  • 😕️ 遊戲的難度設定和控制器支援不足是玩家的主要抱怨.



Kill The Crows
Kill The Crows
I finally bought the game and, I have to say, it's a nice break from anything. Basically, this game is kind of a Vampire Survivors but where you can actually aim and roll, and everything gets one-shotted by a single blow, even you. This is what makes the game hard but also fun, since even a single small mistake can cost you the run. You play as Isabella, a sheriff of an abandoned town which starts to get hunted down by Crows, and your job is to survive as long as possible against the hordes thrown at you, while also featuring 3 different bosses, each summoned after 100 kills. You also have quests to complete to unlock new gear and equipment to use and, about that, Isabella has 4 customizable things: her revolver, her Showdown and 2 Passive equipables; this meaning that you can build whatever you are most comfortable with!

Very fun break

I have played the demo of this and it seems REALLY fun with huge potential, I will buy this asap
Kill The Crows
Kill The Crows
Step into a vibrant realm where pixels paint masterpieces of nostalgia and innovation. In this intricate game list, we journey through a pixelated tapestry that transcends time, blending the charm of yesteryears with the ingenuity of modern gaming. These pixelated gems are more than mere graphics; they are portals to captivating stories, challenging puzzles, and immersive worlds. From the mesmerizing elegance of minimalist pixel art to the intricate details that breathe life into retro-inspired adventures, this collection celebrates the rich diversity of pixelated games. Prepare to embark on a pixel-perfect odyssey, where every pixel is a brushstroke in a canvas of digital artistry.

Bits by bits

An Emotional Rollercoaster in the Old School West

An Emotional Rollercoaster in the Old School West

Kill The Crows
Kill The Crows
SHOULD I PLAY KILL THE CROWS? Play it if you’re a fan of top-down shooters or are looking for a simple, old-school game you can play in short bursts. Kill the Crows is a western about a lone gunslinger on a quest for revenge. There are no bullet sponges here; players, enemies, and even bosses can be felled by a single bullet, and just one mistake can bring a run to an end. At first, this felt frustrating, but once I got into the swing of things, racking up one-shot kills was incredibly satisfying.ᅠ

Play a weird western with crazy cultists and one-shot kills - Kill the Crows Quick Review

Kill The Crows
Kill The Crows
The untamed landscapes, the rugged characters, and the thrill of a quickdraw duel – it's a recipe for unforgettable experiences. Kill the Crows, a fast-paced arena roguelike shooter, tries to encapsulate this feeling in a top-down roguelite format. 🟩Pros +Simple, easy to pick up controls and mechanics +Intense one-shot, one-kill combat +Progression that is done via milestones and not resources and currencies +Immersive gunslinging experience

A dance of bullets and revenge, in top-down shooter roguelite format | Review - Kill the Crows

Kill The Crows
Kill The Crows
Kill The Crows (Reviewed) Developer: 5minlab Corp. Publisher: 5minlab Corp. Released: Aug 21, 2023 Price: $5 USD Kill The Crows is a top down arena shooter that feels like I was honestly playing a more boring version of Vampire Survivor. The game is basically a dodge, shoot, reload, repeat as non-stop crows charge at you in a variety of forms, including range, melee, explosive, and boss fights if you survive the multiple layers of 100+ waves.

Kill The Crows feels like a tediously repetitive slog

Retro Dead Redemption?? | First Impressions - Kill the Crows

Retro Dead Redemption?? | First Impressions - Kill the Crows

Kill The Crows is now available on Steam!

Kill The Crows is now available on Steam!

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soon be played

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