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王國之歌(Top Heroes) 遊戲截圖
王國之歌(Top Heroes) 遊戲截圖
王國之歌(Top Heroes) 遊戲截圖
王國之歌(Top Heroes) 遊戲截圖
王國之歌(Top Heroes) 遊戲截圖
王國之歌(Top Heroes) 遊戲截圖
王國之歌(Top Heroes) 遊戲截圖
王國之歌(Top Heroes) 遊戲截圖
王國之歌(Top Heroes) 遊戲截圖
王國之歌(Top Heroes) 遊戲截圖
王國之歌(Top Heroes) 遊戲截圖
王國之歌(Top Heroes) 遊戲截圖
王國之歌(Top Heroes) 遊戲截圖
王國之歌(Top Heroes) 遊戲截圖
王國之歌(Top Heroes)

王國之歌(Top Heroes)

Green Mushroom
更多歡慶一周年活動即將到來!!! 立即登入即可領取金色英雄免費100抽,還有大量資源送給您。千萬別錯過一年一度絕佳的加入機會! 突破1000萬次下載!!! 快來體驗擁有多樣化又具創意的遊戲世界! 在這片遙遠而神秘的大陸上,隱藏著無數未知的奇蹟和挑戰。這裡居住著形態各異、擁有獨特文化和深奧秘密的神奇生物。他們的傳說和故事,充滿了魔法與神話的色彩,激發著每個探險者的好奇心。 然而,一個強大而可怕的黑暗勢力正蔓延並威脅著這片大陸的和平與安寧。面對這股黑暗浪潮,來自不同種族和文化的英勇戰士們紛紛挺身而出,他們誓言聯合起來,共同抵抗這個邪惡的力量。 在這款充滿激情與冒險的遊戲中,你將扮演一位英勇的領袖,帶領這些勇士們穿越神秘森林、古老遺跡、幽暗洞穴,探索這片大陸的每個角落。在旅途中,你將遇見各種奇妙的生物,揭開被遺忘的古老秘密,發掘隱藏的寶藏,並與各種強大的敵人戰鬥。 你的智慧、勇氣和策略將是戰勝黑暗勢力、守護大陸和平的關鍵。集結你的隊伍,挑選合適的裝備和法術,為了這片大陸的未來而戰吧!在這場壯闊的冒險中,每一次選擇和戰鬥都充滿了重要意義。現在,是時候踏上這場拯救世界的旅程了! ※ 本軟體因涉及暴力,依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔12級。 ※ 本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。 ※ 長時間進行遊戲,請注意使用時間,避免沉迷於遊戲。 代理商資訊:易亨數位行銷有限公司


8 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • 🎨️ 遊戲的視覺效果令人驚嘆,角色和環境設計精美,就像口袋裡的藝術品.
  • 🎮️ 遊戲機制引人入勝,無論是戰鬥策略還是探索,都能保持玩家的思緒活躍.
  • 💸️ 某些酷炫的英雄和物品被鎖在付費牆後面,這可能讓付費玩家有些優勢.



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王國之歌(Top Heroes)
王國之歌(Top Heroes)
Pros You have a band of heroes that does everything farming/killing the map is kinda big You can have up to 6 characters Community is very helpful Cons The down side is that it's another base building farming we have so many of them and most of them are not even that good this one is mediocre at best The story is meh I have played so many of them I don't think I will stick around .

I thought it was another idle game but I was it is another base farming game

Bill Nature
王國之歌(Top Heroes)
王國之歌(Top Heroes)
Cash rip off...bait and switch..dev playing as normal players to make u spend more..can not play unless u spend big Also full of risky adds that could be illegal if on your phone... Look see the other reviews and avoid at all cost
Michael Lawlor
Top Heroes - RTS & RPG | "A Pocket-Sized Adventure Awaits!" | Gameplay

Top Heroes - RTS & RPG | "A Pocket-Sized Adventure Awaits!" | Gameplay

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RTS games

王國之歌(Top Heroes)
王國之歌(Top Heroes)
When I play this game total size is 495 MB, 🎮 Gameplay: Like the rumble heroes game, that I've played before. At the start of the game, there are only 1-2 heroes with a blue rarity. When you go on an adventure, you will find random nakama and troops which will strengthen your hero ,who will help and accompany you. Currently there are 3 hero emblems, red (orc troop type), blue (human troop type) and green (elf troop type).

another Pay to Win game but ... (play or pass?!?!?)

王國之歌(Top Heroes)
王國之歌(Top Heroes)
Another bait and switch game that initially starts out like a Rumble Heroes clone and ends up being another awful Rise of Kingdoms type game. Avoid avoid, unless you love wasting a lot of time and money. You'll thank me later. I promise.

Another bait and switch.

Flamboyant Sniper
王國之歌(Top Heroes)
王國之歌(Top Heroes)
This is just another re-skin of all the base building clan war games. Pretty much exactly like State of Survival with some light rpg roaming baked in. Tons of microtransactions and the big spenders will be going around and attacking everyone's bases. If you like those types of games then you can see if you like this theme. There are tons of these types of games out right now, nothing special here.