Ham Choi

Ham Choi

ICC Game Official

ID: 431286954

Game 3D thẻ bài nhập vai!
Our latest work, Grail Tale, is for PRE-REG NOW!
Game thẻ bài nhập vai<Grail Tale> chính thức mở đăng ký trước!
Here are your rewards!
Here are the winners! Come and see if you have won!
Silkroad Mobile is officially launched today!
Silkroad Mobile is officially launched today!
1 day left! Silkroad will be launched on September 13!
Silkroad Mobile Launch Conference!
《Xeno:Summoner》 Fan Giveaways!
Silkroad Online Mobile closed beta test will be opened soon!
지금은 이게 전부예요. 새로운 게임을 시작할래요?