Jayden M. Agner

Jayden M. Agner

ID: 638895523

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ALLSTAR weekend gifts are here for you from 03/16 to 04/22! [Week 1] 03/23 - 03/25: Log in to receive SPARKLE Glow Stick ×100 for the ALLSTAR Shop! [Week 2] 03/30 - 04/01: ALLSTAR Rave is in full swing with battle bonuses! Get free access to all heroes, T
Get ready for action! From 04/24 to 05/31, the MLBB x KOF '97 draw event is taking over! We've got an array of exclusive collaboration items up for grabs, including Chat Bubble, Animated Avatar Border, Battle Emotes, Battle Effect, and more KOF '97 goodie
That's everything for now. Start a new game?