Sifu(PC,PS4,PS5,NS) screenshot game
Sifu(PC,PS4,PS5,NS) screenshot game
Sifu(PC,PS4,PS5,NS) screenshot game
Sifu(PC,PS4,PS5,NS) screenshot game
Sifu(PC,PS4,PS5,NS) screenshot game


Develop Sloclap
855 Follower

Featuring the gripping intensity of classic Kung Fu films with realistic and raw combat, Sifu tells the story of a young Kung Fu student who has spent their life training for a day of reckoning after the brutal murder of their entire family by a mysterious assassination squad. Hunt down the murderers one by one as you explore gang-ridden suburbs, hidden corners deep within the city, all the way to the cold hallways of corporate towers. Adaptation and careful positioning are the key to your survival and you must use everything at your disposal to succeed in your life’s mission.

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Youssef X Crimson
611 View 02/22/2023
I should've stayed at home. Cz i was doing better alone But when you said hello I knew it was the end of it
942 View 10/20/2023
It's rlly good but so hard I can barley get past the 2nd hideout in this game but it's still fun to play
TapTap Creator
A fun Kung fu beat' em up | SIFU: In-Depth Review
3.5K View 11/10/2022
784 View 03/30/2023
This game is a Kung-Fu lover’s dream come true. From the start the game is INTENSE, after the first hour of gameplay you will be stiff from the level of focus the learning curve requires. Even though it is challenging it’s EXTREMELY FUN as well, the controls feel quite natural and the fights are never so one sided that you feel like you face an impossible task. Once you get the mechanics down you can change up your gameplay style in a variety of different ways to get the most enjoyment. Definitely a great game, would love to see a sequel or perhaps an open world concept from the same developers!
403 View 01/01/2023
463 View 02/19/2023
I wanted this so bad and now it's 
4 View 12/31/2022
It's really good graphics and it look pretty fun and I love how you can actually interact with stuff to hit the  enemy
TapTap Creator
A Student going on a Path of Vengeance
3.5K View 11/11/2022
TapTap Editor
TapTap Editor
TapTap Official
[Saturday, 11/05/2022] The weekly next - Xeno Command, Football Manager 2023, and more
2.1K View 11/05/2022
476 View 12/31/2022
I really love this game just looking at
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