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Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Cuplikan Layar Game Lineage 2: Revolution
Lineage 2: Revolution

Lineage 2: Revolution

Netmarble Games
Lebih banyak手游界的革命,天堂2革命 ■特别Episode:黄昏之阿斯加德 阿斯加德的众神降临玛格纳丁! ■从天而降的北欧诸神 最强的诸神想要考验一下勇士们的实力 ■为了至高的荣誉! 最强的战士们集结在证明之瓦尔哈拉! ■穿戴饱含众神祝福的新阿斯加德时装, 成为光荣的战士吧! ■新Episode纪念!可获得最大+14强典藏变身体! 参与活动即可获得典藏变身体+12~+14强! 除此之外,还有更丰富多样的特别Episode活动, 希望大家玩得愉快! 《天堂2:革命》 Unreal Engine4引擎将带给您惊心动魄的视觉冲击!我们邀请各位来到全新的虚幻世界。最多支持200名玩家同时参与,如此大规模的开放世界战斗,不体验一番怎么行!与全世界玩家一起举办派对,或与好友一起结成血盟,携手副本闯关,击败怪物或与其他玩家竞争,如此绝佳的机会,您绝不能错过! 在《天堂2:革命》中,您可以体验次世代手游RPG独具有的最极致视觉感官,庞大的开放世界,大规模PvP战斗,一切皆在手机内实现。最高品质的游戏画面!只有在大型MMORPG才能体验到的职业!现在都在您手机中完美呈现! 新英雄此刻正在降临,请翻开历史的新篇章,直面黑暗势力,守护这个世界吧! 要一起展开革命的征程吗? ※游戏特色※ ▶实时大规模战斗 与全世界玩家一起享受逼真震撼的开放大世界pvp战斗,或者来参加50:50的大规模要塞战吧! ▶最高画质 Unreal Engine4的顶尖技术!《天堂2:革命》以外不曾看到过的精美画质,现在皆在您的手机上呈现。 ▶广阔的开放世界 我们邀请各位来到广阔又美丽的开放世界。你可以在这里与全球玩家一起探险,发现新事物,征服世界! ▶血盟&公会 要齐聚好友和公会成员吗?要和全世界其他玩家一起击败首领,或一起参与大规模PvP战斗吗?要在副本里获得各种道具吗?各种各样的选择等着你! ※ 最低配置需求: Android OS 4.4以上, Ram 2GB以上 ※ 在平板设备环境也可以畅玩 ※ 此应用程序提供应用内购买。您可以通过调整设备的设置来禁用此功能。 ※ 本app为保存游戏信息为目的,需要保存权限。 只用于储存玩家的数据信息,请放心。 " [访问权限信息] ▶ 可选访问 READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE -允许应用程序从外部存储读取内容。 BATTERY_STATS -允许该应用收集电池统计信息。 ※即使您不同意访问权限,该服务也可用。" 下载本游戏,即代表用户同意本公司的使用条款和隐私政策。 根据本公司的使用条款和隐私政策,13周岁以下的儿童无法使用本游戏。 - 使用条款:🔗link - 隐私政策:🔗link

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35 Peringkat



Lineage 2: Revolution
Lineage 2: Revolution


Gods Unknown
Lineage 2: Revolution
Lineage 2: Revolution
It has been 6 years or more since I started playing this game and I'm still playing. I really love it much better then other games, but now I'm slowly getting  bored and annoyed of it. Why? Well #1 I'm starting to see cheaters what you doing the entire fun of the game. #2 game matching against other players suck and unfair, if I'm 90cp they will be like 300cp, I mean wtf. #3 there are so many bad and troll players they will kill you for no reason over and over again and the game doesn't even give us any option to defend or avoid those jerk players. And #4 and this is the most thing that it's making me get tired of this game is, the success chance of accomplishing a upgrade or enhance or any other is like 000,001% I mean it literally feels like that. And the same way for getting the rare materials to upgrade our equipments, I have a weapon need to upgrade and I think I need a year or more so I can probably get the materials to do that. And I'm pretty sure they are this much hard so then you go to their shop store and buy stuff witch btw it will never be enough. 🙁
Lineage 2: Revolution
Lineage 2: Revolution
Here is another list of decent mmorpg that are still worth trying in year 2024.

Even in 2024, MMORPGs are still worth trying.

Lose Wrld
Lineage 2: Revolution
Lineage 2: Revolution
It's been more then 5 years and I'm still playing this game. Graphics awesome. Game play is great. But pvp is super bad, what I mean is, the game always match's me up against players 10x stronger then my whole team, it's not fair at all.
open world mmorpg

open world mmorpg

Lineage 2: Revolution
Lineage 2: Revolution


Shao Kan
Do you think Summons in Aether Gazer are rewarding?

Do you think Summons in Aether Gazer are rewarding?

Lineage 2: Revolution
Lineage 2: Revolution
I judged the games on the below perspectives: •Graphics •Maps •Open World •Controls •Gameplay •StoryLine •Voice Acting •Visual Effects •Character Customisation The games below may have any of the above mentioned perspectives. ★Stars are given according to the availability of, any of the above mentioned perspectives: • 5★ - You must Check out. • 4★ - Atleast worth checking out once. • 3★ or below - Check out the games yourself and decide if you wanna play or not. Here are some of my favourite games worth your time:

Best RPG games (Open World & Story Based) 2023

my favorite games

my favorite games

Darkness Rises - Costume Draw

Darkness Rises - Costume Draw
