Code name: Xia 비디오 스크린샷
Code name: Xia 게임 스크린샷
Code name: Xia 게임 스크린샷
Code name: Xia 게임 스크린샷
Code name: Xia 게임 스크린샷
Code name: Xia 게임 스크린샷
Code name: Xia 게임 스크린샷
Code name: Xia 게임 스크린샷
Code name: Xia 게임 스크린샷
Code name: Xia 게임 스크린샷
Code name: Xia 게임 스크린샷
Code name: Xia 게임 스크린샷
Code name: Xia 게임 스크린샷
Code name: Xia 게임 스크린샷
Code name: Xia

Code name: Xia

News aggregation
더 보기Codename: Swordsman is a martial arts RPG based on a variety of martial arts genres. Here, you can explore dozens of martial arts systems, freely build martial arts schools, experience extensive and profound martial arts moves; See the move to break down the move, to the enemy of the ever-changing martial arts secret environment, enjoy the strategic fun and the pleasure of the move, and appreciate the love of the Jianghu. The mysterious Zweige killing machine is not present, the hero spectrum under the Jiji has not changed, but you have entered the river and lake in the bureau, alone outside the world or into the wind and rain, are between your one thought. 【 Game Features 】 -- See the recruitment to restore the authentic martial arts taste -- Swords, fists, hidden weapons, guns and sticks, inch short inch dangerous, inch long inch strong; Break move, break move, joint move, body law, free match, cool move. With soft and tough, with force to break the clever, surprise to win, create their own school of martial arts, show the diversity of moves to fight. -- Unpredictable chance encounters secret martial arts -- Thick forest snow mountain, lake bottom water prison, Qimen Dun jia peach blossom array, deep in the bamboo forest there are people. Experience the ever-changing secret scenes and rich level design, the ever-changing random events, and interpret the Wulin Jianghu full of danger and surprise. -- Authentic and authentic martial arts practice -- To break through the realm of internal work and open up the bottleneck of the meridians, we need to bear the risk of going astray; The nine-fold Yi Jin Sutra needs to see through the Buddhist mind barrier. Martial arts is not just a simple cultivation, multiple moves gradually practice, lost moves unlock the adventure, perceive the true path of martial arts exploration. -- Chivalrous cordiality invites chivalrous people to cross the red world together -- The world is like a dream, Jianghu more jiao, young chivalry, knot five male. All over China, see a competition will follow the yellow girl, gave ten steamed bread to rely on the side of the little beggar, temperament, worldly master, confidant, all wish, all can go to a man's dream.

평점 및 리뷰

리뷰 작성
93 평점
player 아이콘player 아이콘player 아이콘player 아이콘

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  • 🎨️ 게임의 전통적인 중국 수묵화 스타일은 대부분의 플레이어에게 호평을 받고 있으며, 고풍스러운 장면 디자인과 캐릭터 의상은 플레이어의 몰입감을 높여줍니다.
  • 📚️ 게임의 스토리라인은 풍부한 메인 미션과 사이드 미션, NPC 상호 작용, 퍼즐 요소를 결합하여 게임의 재미와 탐험을 높여 플레이어들에게 사랑을 받고 있습니다.
  • 🤔️ 게임의 전투 모드는 다소 빈약하고 자유도가 낮은 것으로 간주되며, 캐릭터의 무술 능력 디자인이 다소 어색하여 게임 플레이에 영향을 미칩니다.



Code name: Xia
Code name: Xia

donghua manhwa/hua

Code name: Xia
Code name: Xia

Badly Needed a Global Version

Silkpunk Games to Explore

Silkpunk Games to Explore

Code name: Xia
Code name: Xia
this game really really really has potential, but you missed 1 very important thing "Global Language, Alphabeth English". 1 thing that can ruined everything. not everyone can read Chinese even the most Simplified Language or Japanese language. so learn English!
Code name: Xia
Code name: Xia
always shooter games will be bored, why not try some other games?

Mixed reviews for some Strategy and Casual games


代号 侠 - 实在太武侠了,除了剧情精彩,还有许多武功任你选择。只有你还未学会,没有你想象不到的武侠游戏

Code name: Xia
Code name: Xia
Evan Foo


Слава Чернышёв
Code name: Xia
Code name: Xia
我必須先狠狠吹一下美術,看宣傳圖的時候沒有感覺到遊戲本身的畫面美術,這麼“恰到好處”,畢竟太多換皮遊戲都是這種風格的美宣圖了,遊戲本身的UI、場景、打鬥、劇情,都是完全符合中國水墨畫風的,甚至我會覺得,遊戲截圖比宣傳畫更有吸引力。 核心戰鬥部分更像是戰棋遊戲,會有走格子的設定,也會有一些道具設定,主線任務會有部分機制,純靠AI自動還是不行的,但是策略性有,但對這類武俠遊戲來說,我會覺得核心戰鬥少了一些操作爽感。 角色很喜歡,角色之間的互動、故事,充滿帶入感,和紅顏一起做任務,兩人都能參與到任務中去,也讓劇情更豐富,人物性格更豐滿。 玩法目前最好玩的點就是探索和武學搭配上,收集武學,再根據喜好來自由搭配。武俠嘛,收集天下絕學絕對是行走江湖的樂趣之一。
Code name: Xia
Code name: Xia
水墨風的跑速度半回合制遊戲,暫時沒玩到PVP內容,可能也是沒有,所以玩起來會比較像單機,沒有什麼數值壓力,就當一個武俠小說來玩了。流派呀,探索呀,還有任務之類的,感覺自由度和交互上做得還不錯,是讓人有帶入感的,如果能逐步更新內容到一個類開放世界的探索玩法的遊戲,覺得應該很不錯, 和NPC的對話內容比較有意思,每一次都有不同的對話,隨著劇情的深入,不斷會有江湖好友加入到隊伍中,這種靠著劇情慢慢深入和鋪墊的參與感,蠻贊的。 戰鬥部分的戰力展示感覺拉低了整個遊戲的調性,素材也不是特別夠,比較肝,戰鬥的策略性還是少了點,更多的就是提升戰力等AI打了。玩下去有一種《煙雨江湖》的感覺。看戰鬥一開始還以為是純戰棋呢,想了想如果能做成回合制或者更策略性的戰棋,可能會更有意思吧(個人見解 有卡等級的情況,不知道是不是等正式上線會好一些。

