古魂 的影片截圖
古魂 遊戲截圖
古魂 遊戲截圖
古魂 遊戲截圖
古魂 遊戲截圖
古魂 遊戲截圖
古魂 遊戲截圖
古魂 遊戲截圖
古魂 遊戲截圖
古魂 遊戲截圖
古魂 遊戲截圖
古魂 遊戲截圖
古魂 遊戲截圖
古魂 遊戲截圖
古魂 遊戲截圖
古魂 遊戲截圖
古魂 遊戲截圖
古魂 遊戲截圖
更多《古魂》是由盤古魂工作室自硏,暗黑風格的動作遊戲,「魂之刃」系列第二代作品。 遊戲依託於北歐神話,玩家作為輪回復生的「繼承者」,從穆斯貝爾海姆出發,邁向世界樹支撐的廣闊空間。穿梭在虛憶、古煌、眞骸三條時空綫中,通過「獻祭」或「救贖」的選擇,獲得「眾神之王奧丁」「詭計之神洛基」等數百位神靈的神器或助戰,推動世界的進程。 繼承者,諸神湮滅於黃昏—— 你,就是最後的守護 ----------------------------------------------- 【爽快的連招 與 技能鏈構建】 繼承自一代《巨龍城堡》的爽快連招,加入了戰斗的策略性 破招+技能鏈構建,識別不同BOSS的行為和攻擊困擾,趁他失衡倒地時,集火連擊,瘋狂輸出 【孤品思維 獨特的魂核設計】 無物可棄的海拉、放棄過去的伊絲特、舍棄骸體的卡奧斯 在技能鏈上鑲嵌魔物的魂核,即可驅使靈魂之力作戰,搭配主角和職業特點,即是戰斗方式的無限可能 【多人共斗 與 合作對抗】 挖墳、搖鈴、亂入,協同戰斗、爭奪奬勵,或實施詭計 創建或加入旅團,與其他玩家進行眞實的公平PVP,合作討伐強力首領 【極致畫面 與 音樂體驗】 支持PC 安卓 苹果 三端同步更新,尊享最高4K分辨率帶來的巓峰畫面表現 沉浸式交響體驗,國際首席愛樂樂團參與音樂錄制 【制作人的話】 我們每个人都曾為了當時所需而獻祭「珍惜之物」,愛情?自由?健康?時間? 現在回首是否「獲得之物」眞比「獻祭之物」珍貴? 這个遊戲希望帶你進行一場獻祭和救贖之旅,在其中找尋到你的答案。


485 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • 🎮️ 遊戲操作友好,即使是不擅長操作的玩家也能享受刺激的戰鬥體驗。
  • 👾️ 遊戲故事豐富,結合手機體驗,提供沉浸式的圖形和劇情。
  • 🔥️ 遊戲在某些設備上運行時發熱嚴重,影響遊戲體驗。



Warriors,    The 1st CBT will start for 【Blade of God II: Orisols】on June26,00:00(UTC-7). Please read the important notes below before joining the beta! If you fail to find the information you're interested in, please leave a comment below and we'll get back to you ASAP. Q: Beta time A: June 26, 2022 00:00 (UTC-7) - July 25, 2022 23:59 (UTC-7) Q: Beta type and download address A: This is an unlimited free alpha beta with in-game purchases unlocked. During the beta, you can download and try the game by going to

The 1st CBT FAQ - Please read it before joining the beta!

Blade of God
Blade of God II: Orisols - ARPG Gameplay (Android/IOS)

Blade of God II: Orisols - ARPG Gameplay (Android/IOS)

Gaming Mobile
Blade Of God 2 Gameplay Walkthrough (Android, iOS) - Part 1

Blade Of God 2 Gameplay Walkthrough (Android, iOS) - Part 1

After countless days and nights of fighting, the Concept PV "Reincarnation of Voidom" of "Blade of God II: Orisols" can finally meet you! The latest round of testing for the game will begin at the end of this month, and this time it will be an unrestricted free test. We will inform all players of the specific testing time in a later community announcement. The game test content can be found in this article:

Blade of God II:Orisols|Concept PV|Reincarnation of Voidom

Blade of God
Blade of God II:Orisols|Concept PV|Reincarnation of Voidom

Blade of God II:Orisols|Concept PV|Reincarnation of Voidom

Blade of God II
Loki escaped to the Underworld after being exiled by Asgard and found an enormous Cocoon. Loki the Evil possessed the power of Void and the power protected his soul from being devoured by outer force. However, Loki sensed the Void power that was much stronger than his after approaching the cocoon. It almost tore his soul apart. Cocoon To control the power, Loki forged the Essence Body using the Obsidian Book resting deep in Nifheim. When the cocoon breaks, he sealed Hela, who just woke up from a long sleep, into this fake body. The shapeless Hela had disappeared and the physical Hela was born. Using Hela's power, Loki started assembling his fallen god army.

[Development Log] - Character Design - Shadow Dancer Hela

Blade of God
The project team has designed a relatively weird game function recently and it is called Special Boss Costume Showcasing. During the game, when you defeat a specified boss, you will receive a unique reward that belongs to it. It can be Mistmon's Gold or Ein's Sharp Tail... After receiving the unique costumes, you can equip them in the form of costumes. This function is still under development. Our model designer has recorded a demo so you can see what it is like.

Blade of God II New Function Showcasing | Special Boss Costume

Blade of God
As the design progresses, our graphic designer has completed a Warrior Class Costume for Hela's new class Soul Reaper. The structure design of the costume is inspired by the armor design of the female warriors in the middle ages, including slender knee pads, wrist guards, and the neck. The costume has a short version and a long version based on the weight of the character's weapon. Besides ensuring the visual coordination, we can also keep consistent with the concept of "conservation of mass" that was mentioned in the previous article.

1st CBT | Actionable Occupations——Soul Reaper Hela Character Design

Blade of God
When the old rules are broken by the destiny Her dark power no longer covers her grand ambition The campaign to overthrow the ruler is intense and cruel With the will to command the nine realms The ruler of Helheim slaughtered all who try to stop her with her fearless legion Although her soul has been removed from the human body When the horn is blown on the battlefield Her valiant image still reminds people of

Blade of God II:Orisols-New Role !Berserk Hela

Blade of God
Yggdrasil Map Description

Yggdrasil Map Description

Blade of God