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RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online  MMORPG 遊戲截圖
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RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online  MMORPG 遊戲截圖
RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online  MMORPG 遊戲截圖
RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online  MMORPG 遊戲截圖
RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online  MMORPG 遊戲截圖
RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online  MMORPG 遊戲截圖
RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online  MMORPG 遊戲截圖
RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online  MMORPG 遊戲截圖
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RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online  MMORPG 遊戲截圖
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RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online  MMORPG 遊戲截圖
RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online  MMORPG

RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online MMORPG

Asobimo, Inc.
更多★全球下載突破1,400萬的人氣RPG! 隨心搭配理想造型! 超過5,000億種特色搭配,創造心目中的理想容貌! 自由玩轉劍與魔法! 取消RPG常見的「職業」概念,選擇劍、法杖(魔法)、弓、旋風槍等武器,定義自己的戰鬥方式! 隨心所欲的角色養成! 全新導入的「技能樹」系統,培育心目中的英雄! 千變萬化的技能連擊玩法,展現自己的戰鬥風格! 自由變換武器與裝備配色! 獲得具有「顏色資訊」的裝備後,即可為武器染上喜愛的顏色! 隨著遊戲的進行,還能自由改造裝備能力…! 與全國玩家攜手戰鬥! 透過即時連線,集結全國玩家共同暢玩的MMORPG! 即使一個人勢單力薄,也能以組隊的團結力量擊敗強敵。與眾多好友聯袂出擊,投入廣大無垠的3D世界! 一個人也能組隊冒險! 借用他人角色作為「傭兵」,呼叫自身角色作為「夥伴」,即使一個人也能享受組隊樂趣! 【故事舞台】 數百年前,突來的天地異變使大地四分五裂,眾神緊急將四散的大地聚合為一,世界就此成了如馬賽克拼貼般的異樣景觀。 原先的國家消滅後,4個民族跨越種族藩籬,各自的主張互相碰撞激盪,最終形成了4個派別。 此時,一位冒險者--《你》帶著奇異的特徵來到了這個世界。 《你》與構成世界的4個派別的各色人們相遇,經歷一段段驚險刺激的冒險,逐漸與隱藏在背後,不斷壯大的神秘存在形成對立…… 【遊戲概要】 遊戲名稱:RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online MMORPG 類型:高自由度正宗MMORPG *MMORPG: Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game ●建議執行環境 OS:Android 9 以上 SoC:Snapdragon 720G / 845 以上 RAM:4GB 以上 網路環境:Wi-Fi環境 (上載/下載皆須10Mbps以上) 無法保障執行之狀況 ・裝置未達上述建議執行環境。 ・裝置的製造・販售商已停止支援該裝置。 ・使用了裝置製造・販售商不保證運作的應用程式等內容。 ・使用Root後的裝置進行遊戲。 ・使用模擬器進行遊戲。 ・使用VPN(Virtual Private Network)進行遊戲。 ・SoC不支持64位元 ・將遊戲程式安裝於裝置內建的儲存空間之外。 ・使用SAMSUNG公司製造的Galaxy系列裝置。(因固有問題,恐導致遊戲顯示異常。) ・使用Beta版等未正式釋出的OS。 ※若Android裝置並未搭載Qualcomm公司的Snapdragon系列SoC,則遊戲的執行表現有可能受到影響。 ※依據裝置的解析度,遊戲對於RAM的要求有可能高於上述建議執行環境。 facebook: 🔗link 關於建議、異常問題等回報,敬請透過『遊戲內的聯絡客服』管道進行。 客服團隊將優先處理遊戲內提出的諮詢內容。


375 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • 🎮️ 遊戲故事情節和畫面優美,活動豐富,適合懷舊玩家。
  • 👥️ 多樣化的職業和玩家驅動的經濟系統,讓遊戲更有趣。
  • 😕️ 對新手和單人玩家來說,入門較困難,且畫面較老舊。



RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online  MMORPG
RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online MMORPG
subscribe my yt channel onougamer YT

best 10 ----- RPG / open world games for... Android & IOS

RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online  MMORPG
RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online MMORPG
👍 Pros: good game broo
ILutions Head
RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online  MMORPG
RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online MMORPG
even though this game is a bit old, it's still good and fun to play
RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online  MMORPG
RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online MMORPG
I love games with good storyline and quests to do but sometimes I just want what I enjoy and this is the lists of some RPG I've played before/still playing!

Some RPG Games for Mobile I've played

RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online  MMORPG
RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online MMORPG
A true MMORPG experience in the palm of your hand. Where other games from this mobile-MMO developer have fallen short of hope and expectation (Alchemia Story, Iruna Online etc) Toram perfectly encapsulates that older feel, without losing any of it's charm and magic by being on mobile. Toram Online finds itself gameplay and concepts from the (at times) forgotten Final Fantasy XI Online (not to be confused by FF XIV). From it's shockingly charming aesthetic and graphics to core mechanics and gameplay. In the past, Square had announced and cancelled a Final Fantasy 11 Mobile port. Toram Online is the absolute closest thing we could ever expect to that having become a reality. Clearly not content with just being a mobile clone of FFXI, however, Toram pulls in ideas from other, less expected areas.

FINAL FANTASY XI on MOBILE (or at least the closest thing too it)

ad Boo Radley
RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online  MMORPG
RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online MMORPG
🎮 Gameplay: Build ur own playstyle
RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online  MMORPG
RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online MMORPG
now i can fishing when bored
RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online  MMORPG
RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online MMORPG
The game is very good.The game is very good, but the player account is locked at will.
game to relieve boredom, because there are lots of cool friends

game to relieve boredom, because there are lots of cool friends

Junianto Saputra
RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online  MMORPG
RPG 托蘭異世錄 Toram Online MMORPG
I have been playing since 2018 summer, it is one of the best rpg on mobile. There are many things to do. Devs also keep updating and adding new things every month. The game is completely free to play but need lots of grinding in late game to level up character slots. Although tana p(one of the developer) said that they will make leveling easier. There is also periodic Anime collaborations. There is only one thing I hate about this game, which is biasness of Devs towards certain classes. Like two handed is suffering from Ampr, good dps skills but they keep updating katana with broken skills. All classes are free and can be selected since start but those who like certain class are going to suffer. Although they are still viable if you like their playstyle since every class can do 1M to 2M damage with cheap gears which is enough for long run. Will sucks for those who are trying to fast kill. Overall the game is good.
Thomas Kennedy